24. Buonanotte.

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I was walking behind Ethan and Lorenzo but the quilt was giving me a hard time. I stepped on it with every step I took. I looked to my side and saw Lorenzo smiling, meanie.

When we were inside the mansion, Ethan retired for the night, leaving me with Lorenzo. "You remember where your room is, Certo?" He asked me once we reached the top of the floor,


"Bene, I think you'll find something exciting there" He said and I smiled feeling joyful. "Buonanotte, Miss Fest" He left to the other side of the stairs.

"Good night" I murmured but I doubted he heard me. As I walked to the east wing I wondered, why was he suddenly being nice to me? And why wasn't I freaked out by his sudden change in demeanor?

I turned the knob, careful not to make any noise since everyone was already asleep. "Home sweet hell" I said as I turned the lights on and as soon as they came on I saw my laptop sitting on the bed, "What? No way" I beamed to no one in particular.

How did it get here? How was it fixed? I specifically remember it was broken beyond repair, courtesy of those thug bastards. But it was right here in front of me, it's even got my Supernatural possession sigil sticker on it. Next to it was a brand new phone.

I opened the laptop and it indeed was My laptop. I was so excited about having it back and all my data was there, I was so scared I had lost everything in it.

My laptop was like a diary to me, or a life map. It had every single password to everything I have from bank accounts to Netflix, I wrote my diaries there, I had pictures and movies so losing it was like losing a child.

I saw that my mailbox was open and inside I had like a million emails from Rima. I also found some from different sites I subscribed to, but the most recent one was surprisingly from the one and only Mister. Lorenzo Vitale, oh hell.

'Buonanotte Miss Fest', I stopped reading and I laughed because I could hear his voice in my head, that's exactly what he said to me two minutes ago. I continued reading 'Obviously you found your laptop and phone. Since you'll be living here for the time being we brought all your belongings from your apartment, all your things are in place. Get some rest, tomorrow morning I would like to see you in my office 10AM sharp.

Lorenzo Vitale'

I couldn't believe it, I had to make sure so I jumped off the bed leaving the quilt behind and opened the wardrobe and inside it were My clothes, neatly organized along the shelves. Having my belongings here kind of felt like I was home.

I put on underwear, a pair shorts and a t-shirt. I opened the phone and quickly set it up, I texted Rima saying that I'm okay and will explain everything asap. I set my alarm before sleeping, feeling hopeful that things will finally get better.


How is one supposed to operate on 5 hours of sleep?

I yawned as I went to the bathroom and found all my usual bathroom supplies but these were new and full. That alone gave me a well needed morning boost.

I couldn't resist the urge to jump in the shower and wash my hair with my shampoos and de-tangle using my conditioners. My curls were in dire need of some fruity refreshment.

"I'm just a little bit caught in the middle life" I sang as I massaged shampoo on my scalp, it smelled like lemon and berries.

"I have to let it go, and just enjoy the show" I continued to sing off key because I was too happy to apply the right notes.

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