19. Who Are You, Lorenzo Vitale?

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That was all I heard before I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug from my mother. I couldn't believe I was finally home. I had the strangest feeling of Deja vu.

"Why do you always assume I'm dead?" I prompted into my mother's sweater but the sound was muffled by the thick fabric. I heard and felt her sobbing into my shoulder and I felt tears brimming at my eyes. Although I was far too exhausted to let them fall, I was relieved. I was finally home.

After I left the apartment building which turned out to be an old hotel that was closed down for renovations, I started looking around for a name of the street or anything that can link me to an actual area in Seattle.

All I know is that the hotel belongs to Lorenzo but as far as where I was at, no clue.

And there was no way I was going to ask his men for directions, I would've died on the spot. So I had to walk for about fifteen minutes before I found civilization. I found people on the streets, walking in and out of buildings and most importantly, I found CABS.

I hailed a cab and gave him the direction to my mother's house. I also asked him where we were and if he knows the name of the abandoned hotel about an hour back. He looked at me like I was his psycho ex and said nothing the whole ride. The entire time I kept thinking about my plan after I reach home hopefully safe and sound.

Which brings me to right now present time, "I missed you so much mom. And I promise I'm gonna explain everything but for now I need money to pay the cab fare" I broke the crushing hug.

"You've been here less than a minute and you're already asking me for money?" My mom asked with a face of disappointment. I missed her.

I smiled at her comment, God I missed her so much. I really felt like crying at that moment but if I did then my mom would ask what's wrong and I'd be like: 'Where do I start?'

And I'd have to tell her everything and I was not planning on telling her anything about my mafia escapades. The less she knew the safer she would be.


After taking a shower and coming back downstairs it was time for dinner. Dinner meant questions from my mom about where I was and why wasn't I answering her calls. I really hoped that taking my time showering would have given me enough time to come up with a story but I was still without a good explanation.

The truth was not an option so I was internally panicking in the corner while watching mom put dinner on plates.

She sat at the head of the table and I sat on her left, I was quietly eating the salad on my plate and avoiding her burning gaze. I could literally feel her stare on the side of my face. It was just a matter of time before she—

"So Where the hell have you been?!"

There it is.

Think you idiot! SAY SOMETHING!

I'm giving up on you...

"What do you mean? I was at my apartment looking for new jobs like I always am" I answered without looking at her in the eyes.

"I came by your apartment Sky, It was empty. For god's sake even Rima's worried sick about you" I snapped up hearing Rima's name.

My mom then got up, and came back a second later holding a bunch of photos, she placed them on the table in front of me and I stared at them wide eyed, in shock and befuddlement,

"I was about to file a missing person's report last week but I kept receiving these photos of you saying that you are okay and that I shouldn't call the police. I didn't know what to do" My mom spoke frantically as I looked at the time stamped photos of me in Lorenzo's mansion. 

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