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What is that? 


What the hell is that?  I groaned at the annoying sound of Rima waking me up, it must be morning. I know I have to get up and get ready for work but getting up in the morning is like impossibly hard, expert level difficult. 

I felt someone climb over my bed, removing the covers from my face and I groaned again. A second later, Rima's eggy breath washed all over me "Wakey-wakey eggs and-"

"Back Up benedict cumber-breath!" I snapped and turned to my side, as you can tell I am Not a morning person.

"Good you're up, and I didn't even have to bring the soap water this time" Rima cheered and I shivered in disgust when I remembered that one time I stayed up until 5 AM watching Supernatural which resulted in oversleeping so Rima got the dirty water and soap we use to wash the dishes and she poured it on me, I got so mad I changed the Netflix password and she couldn't watch Peaky Blinders for a week.

My name is Skyler Fest, I'm 24, and I live with my best friend Rima James in our two bedroom apartment in Seattle, Washington. After I graduated I wanted to travel so I booked a flight to Hawaii with one of those traveling agencies. I met Rima when I was 22 fresh out of university and fresh out of a relationship. I wanted to go on a trip sort of like a spiritual cleanse. 

When I got to the hotel I opened my suitcase only to find things that don't belong to me so I called the reception and they said there is a young woman in the front desk with the same complaint.

I got down to the reception area with the suitcase to find a girl that looked close to my age. She had light brown wavy hair and pretty blue eyes. We had the exact same bag so they were switched. We sorted it out and each girl got her luggage.

We found out we were staying in the rooms next to each other so we considered it fate that brought us to become friends. We got to know each other after that and talked about where we studied and everything, we clicked from the first minute.

We found out that we both came from Seattle and got to talking even more and hung out together the whole trip, and when we came back we still kept in touch.

One day she called me and told me she's moving out of her parents' home and in need of a roommate so I begged my mother to let me go live with her which was NOT in any way easy but after months of persistent begging and some blackmailing, she gave in.

Finally, here we are. We've been living together for almost a year and a half now, we even bought a used car together to help us move around and run errands.

I got up from the bed, put my hair up and went to the bathroom. I did my business, brushed my teeth then took a quick shower and started to get ready for work.

Rima and I are both waitresses in a fancy high-class Italian restaurant downtown called Crimson, all the people who come in are rich, snobbish and self-absorbed but the pay is really good and honestly, it's fun to gossip about the customers after they leave. We can't afford the really good drugs so the snooty clientele are our source of entertainment during the lousy work hours.

Just kidding. 

Not really.

I come out of the bathroom and go in the kitchen to find Rima all dressed up drinking coffee while checking her phone, she's one of those weird early birds and actually Likes mornings...I don't understand it. Suddenly she looks up, "What are you doing, bitch? Why aren't you dressed? We have to leave in 10 minutes GO GET DRESSED" she finishes yelling.

"Good God Woman! Why are you so loud in the morning? My poor ears" I say dramatically covering my ears. "It's only 8:15 CHILL-AX" I continued scratching my head looking for my box of pop tarts. Pop tarts with chocolate milk are like, my favorite meal Ever. Well, that and cheese. Cheese is honestly my entire life.

I even have a special song I sing while making them. "Sky, we have to be there by 9" Rima deadpanned sounding worried, "Which gives us PLENTY of time" I said completely ignoring Rima's panic-filled look.

"What about traffic?" she asked worriedly,

"I'm a fast driver" I replied calmly as I walked through the our kitchen with my hands under my shirt on my stomach to warm up my cold hands. 

"Pop, my tarts. Pop, my tarts. Pop, pop my pop tarts. My tarties are popping, pop, pop pop" I started snapping my fingers and moving my head as I murmured my morning pop tarts song.

 Yes, I have a different song for when I want to eat pop tarts at night.

I finally fished out the box from the top cabinet. I took one of them out then went to the fridge, getting all giddy inside.

Now it was turning into a Good morning, I thought.

I grabbed a bottle of water and started drinking it as I put two strawberry cream pop tarts in the toaster and proceeded to heat up milk then went to the cupboard to grab my chocolate milk powder,

"Are you sure pop tarts and chocolate milk are enough to keep you going the whole day, Sky? You don't even drink coffee I don't want you falling asleep mid job" Rima scolded me as if she were my mom and continued eating her healthy eggs benedict breakfast while scrolling down her phone. 

"Rima please! You know I run on attitude, and sarcasm. Food is just an extra" I say proudly as I put one of the pop tarts in my mouth and grabbed my milk.  I then went back to my room and put on my uniform which consists of black trousers, a black dress shirt, and black low heeled ankle boots.

I quickly put my messy curly hair in a bun because 1. I am too lazy to tame or brush my hair and 2. The staff has to look clean and neat at the restaurant. I pulled out a couple of baby hairs then gelled the rest and lightly filled in my brows. I then put on mascara, blush, highlight, and lip tint. 

I put on some jewelry consisting of small earrings, a couple of dainty rings and bracelets and that was it. I looked at the green emerald hanging from a golden chain around my neck and smiled. My necklace is special to me. It's the only piece of jewelry I never take off. 

I applied my favorite vanilla essential oil roll-on perfume then grabbed my bag, keys and walked out the door.

"That was quick" Rima commented as a I walked out, "And you look surprised why?" I asked raising a lightly filled in eyebrow at Rima and went to take the second pop tart. I love pop tarts, I thought with heart-eyes.

"Never underestimate the powers of Skyler Fest" I added proudly causing Rima to roll her eyes. "Let's go, we don't have time to stroke your ego right now" She scoffed while pushing me out the door and laughed as I glared at her.

We locked the apartment and went downstairs to the parking lot to ride in our joint car. It was a used 2015 Nissan Altima in silver. I usually drive when we're in a hurry which we are now. I have severe road rage, doctors say it's not good for my health.

Something about an early heart attack and some other crap. But I'll let you know that having road rage is actually beneficial for your health, you can let out all your stress and frustrations without hurting anybody, And I reach places quicker.

"Fuck me, why is nobody moving? THE LIGHT IS GREEN DIPSHITS, MOVE!" I yell from inside the car and push the horn angrily. "See if we left early we wouldn't have had this problem" Rima huffs out,

"Re-lax we can make it, what time is it right now?" I asked Rima who was failing to maintain a calm attitude "Eight, forty seven",

"SHIT!" I yelled again.

Finally, the cars start moving and I sped through then turned right to make a short cut through the neighborhood. We reached after a short while, courtesy to me driving all fast and furious, it took a lot of cursing and I'm pretty sure I almost ran over 4 people and 2 animals but we made it just in time before the restaurant opens.

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