4. Curiosity Killed the Cat.

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The next morning I drove Rima to the airport. She decided to extend her visit to her parents' house last night, she wants to stay there for as long as possible. "Our Co-worker is dead, the restaurant's closed because there was a shooting tonight. It could've been either one of us that died tonight, Sky. I'm not going to take my family for granted anymore. You never really know how much time you have left so spend as much of it with the people you love while you can. I need to be with my family right now, at least until I have a job again" Those were her exact words she said as I hugged her good bye and sent her off to her plane.

The drive back home was a bit long and sad so I turned on the radio and Shark by Oh Wonder came on. I turned the volume up and thought about what Rima said for the rest of the ride home.

It was about 7:30 pm when I got back to the apartment, I put my keys on the table and decided to give my mom a call. Last night we talked for a bit and I informed her that I am perfectly fine and she told me to get some rest.

"Hey mom" I say as soon as she picks up, "Hi sweetheart, how's your neck?" She says in a worried tone, "Oh, it's improved a lot. The ice really helped" I reassured her while rubbing my still sore neck. I neglected to tell her about the cut from where my necklace got ripped out.

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie,  Be thankful it was just your neck and not your life" My mom consoled me, "You're right, thanks mom, for being there for me.".

"It's my job to be there for you, honey. Speaking of which, have you thought about what I said to you last night?" My mom says and I remember how she suggested me coming to stay with her until the whole Crimson mess is fixed.

I want to go be with my mom but I can't just leave the apartment vacant. What if there was a break in? At least one of us has to be here to make sure the place is clear of any criminals. I was still a little shook from last night. Also, who's going to pay the bills? I can't just drop everything and run to my mother's arms.

"Yes I thought about it and mom there's just too many responsibilities here and I can't just drop them. I'll still come to visit you tomorrow and I'll spend the whole weekend there with you", "What do you mean by responsibilities? I just want to make sure you're safe, Sky" My mom sounded annoyed at my refusal

"Like, What if somebody broke in?" I argue trying to sound convincing, "What? You're going to attack them using your vast martial fighting skills set?" my mom argues back and I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.  It made me laugh and she laughed along with me easing the tension between us. 

"What if there was a fire?" I tried one more time "Skyler, I know you. You're probably going to save yourself and let the apartment burn" My mother fired back and I didn't reply to her, what could I say? She was absolutely right.

"Mom, I just think it's best if I stayed here and spent the weekends with you, I don't want to become too dependent on you. Remember we talked about this when I first moved out?" I said while grabbing an apple from the kitchen and biting into it.

"Whatever you say" She says and I hear disappointment in her voice, sorry mommy, "I'm still coming over tomorrow morning, see you then, I love you mom", "Love you too, my stubborn sweetheart", and she ended the call.

I changed into a pair of dark jeans, and a black tank top. I was back in the kitchen frying some chicken nuggets and making a sandwich, I added different dressings, put the sandwiches on a plate along with salad and turned on Netflix, I turned off the lights and decided to put on candles instead.

I went to my room to find the lighter that fell from Fedora-man last night and came back out to the living room, as I was fiddling with it trying to open it and ignite it when the cap fell off, what the?!

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