22. Karma's A Bitch.

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"Answer me or I will shoot you right now, Skyler!" Lorenzo threatened. I was in an utter shock state, I couldn't answer him even if I wanted to. My tongue was tied. After I blinked a couple of times and realized that he is going to SHOOT ME if I didn't answer him, I gathered my breath.

This was it. The truth had to come out one way or another right? I lied to him, and this was my karma, I had to pay for it. So I stammered out the words careful not to upset him anymore "It's true. I..I read...the diary.  I'm so sorry Lorenzo please—" I apologized frantically hoping he would let me go home and let bygones be bygones.

But of course that wasn't the case because he then asked me a question which I couldn't answer unless I wish to be 6 feet under the ground.

"Who do you work for?" He asked menacingly, still holding me roughly and pointing the gun to my throat.

How do I even answer that question? If I tell him I used to work for Santos Russo then he will never agree to help me hide, he would never trust me again and that hurt a part of me. Besides if I did tell him the truth then death would be too merciful for me. If Lorenzo really was as ruthless as everybody says he is then I doubted he'll just kill me.

"Not gonna answer, huh?" He said lowly, "I'll show you who you're dealing with" He said barely above a whisper and I couldn't for the life of me see what he had planned coming.

He suddenly let go of my jacket, and forcefully grabbed my elbow and started dragging me towards the door, I stayed shut, tears burning in my eyes and my heart pounding like the beat of a drum.

He pulled the door handle open and dragged me along. His legs were a lot longer than mine, and his strides were also bigger, I was pretty much jumping behind him rather than walking alongside him. On our way down the stairs I almost fell every two steps but Lorenzo's tight grip held me in place.

We made it to the entrance hall and to our left I could see Ace, Chris and Sandra all looking at us worriedly. Lorenzo didn't even spare them a glance as we left out the front door.

It was my first time seeing the way out of the mansion. My paranoia quickly kicked in, if he's okay with me seeing the way out and navigating through the house that means I will never see it again, right?

He's going to kill me, isn't he?!

Oh dear god please don't let him kill me please. I kept praying and praying hoping for a miracle to happen and without even realizing it we had stopped. in front of us were different sport cars with different colors.

I turned around to look at him but before I could face him he barked "Walk!". I didn't even know which direction to go in, where do I walk to?

I held my hands up and started speaking between hitched breaths "P-please, if you could just....put the gun down and we can talk about—" I let out a loud shriek at the loud bang sound of Lorenzo shooting the ground next to my feet. He was crazy. I did not expect him to actually pull the trigger. He almost snapped off my toes. Bastard!

"WALK!" He yelled seeming frustrated so I turned around and walked with my hands up towards a black sports car, my legs were shaking the whole way, I was crying and hyperventilating all at once. I was on the verge of having a panic attack. I was surprised I hadn't yet fainted.

I reached the car then turned around again, "Get inside!" He barked another order. Through my tears I saw Chris standing on the porch in the distance, he looked worried and upset, but I couldn't think about Chris' feelings, not while a gun was pointed at my cerebrum.

Lorenzo got in the driver's seat, pushed a button causing the engine to roar, I jumped a little in my seat because it was so loud and angry, just like him. I was already a nervous wreck, anything would startle me at that moment.

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