12. Gossip Guy.

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It's been 3 days and I was still avoiding Lorenzo, I think it's safe now. But I just couldn't get my mind off what he said about that spy, although I was relieved that he referred to the spy as a 'Son' of a bitch. As long as he thinks it's a guy, that means I'm in the clear.

I couldn't sit around waiting for Lorenzo to catch me anymore. I needed to find that damn diary, give it to Russo then go home and this will all be over. What he did to me last week opened my eyes.

I couldn't sit around and cry about it, I already did all of that. No more tears and no more regrets about what I could have done. Now it was time to pick myself up, and focus on the objective. I had a debt to settle with Santos.

But there are perks. I am safe here and the mansion is very nice, it Is a Mansion for crying out loud how many times can I say that I lived in a mansion.

It's really nice being here and Alessandra is such an amazing person but it's not my home, I'll forever feel out of place. I miss my home and my mom so the sooner I get this thing over with, the better.

I left my room once again to go look for the diary and the contract. I haven't looked in Lorenzo's office yet, and there's a high chance that they are there. Now if I can just find his office.

I looked for one of the guys specifically Chris, he always seemed the most docile out of the three and he won't suspect anything. I roamed the hallways twice yet I couldn't find any of the guys anywhere, it's like they disappeared or something.

I made a detour to the kitchen and decided I'll ask Alessandra instead. I found her with a few other maids helping her out.

"Good morning beautiful" Alessandra greeted making me blush a little bit "Oh Sandra, you flatter me too much" I smiled sweetly and greeted her back. "Are you hungry? I was just cleaning up from breakfast but I'll be happy to serve you some" She offered.

"Um, no thanks I'm not hungry. I was hoping you'd help me find Mister Vitale's office? I really need to talk to him about something" I tried to sound urgent.

"Something the matter?" She asked worriedly. "Well, kinda. Where is his office?" I asked again, "It's on the second floor in the west wing, it's the mahogany double doors with golden handles, but honey he's not here right now. He's in New York on a work trip" Sandra finished.

That's good I have less chance getting caught. I felt hopeful, "Do you know when he'll be back?"

Translation: Do I have enough time to sneak in, get the papers and flee before Lorenzo comes back and catch me?

Alessandra looked at her watch "He should be back in about two hours. I was just informed the plane landed so it shouldn't be long until he's here" She smiled and I felt awful lying to her.

Technically I didn't lie to her but I still felt really guilty.


Fast forward to me locating his office then sneaking inside while trying to look innocently clueless to the bystanders. I was about 5 feet away from Lorenzo's office, pretending to admire a black and white painting on the wall just as the last body guard in the hallway went past me and then I went in.

Success. That was easy, it was the only door with gold handles. The rest of the doors on the west wing had either bronze or silver. I guess each handle meant something different.

Once I as inside his office, I began to Freak The Fuck Out. I was surprised when I pulled down the handle and the door opened. I thought he would at least lock it but this makes it easier for me. Anyhow, who am I to question his mighty highness?

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