31. Lilies, Not Dahlias.

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We went back to Seattle the next day. I slept the night before to prepare for the ten hour flight, I packed all my things, laid out the clothes I'd be traveling in and went to bed. I woke up several hours later and put on black leather pants, a dark green halter top and a leather jacket because the plane was cold.

When we arrived in Seattle, it was around 9 AM. We were exhausted so we all took power naps. I went to my gray room and tumbled down on the bed. When I woke up again it was around 1 in the afternoon.

Chris was gonna drive me to my mom's then I was going the hospital with Toni the driver to see Sandra. She was doing better, they even moved her to a private room.

I came out the bathroom feeling minty fresh after brushing my teeth, I drank a cup of cold water and let out an "Ahh" as I felt a breeze in my insides. Cold water + Brushed Teeth= Heaven!

I picked out something less constricting. I put on a short, short-sleeved, baby blue floral flowy dress and white wedges. I fixed my makeup and proceeded to style my hair. I put it in a half up, half down style and braided the half up part, then I pulled out a couple of strands to frame my face. Finally, I tied a ribbon around the braided part and let my hair fall naturally to reach the end of my back.

Styling straight hair was a walk in the park. When in my naturally curly state, I only had two hair styles, either I let it all down or I put it in a bun. Anything else took way too long and hurt my arms.

I reached for my pack of bubble gum and started chewing one as I observed how I looked, I decided to add a thin black belt to emphasize my waist. I wanted to look super nice, for myself, my mom and Sandra.

And Lorenzo,  inner me muttered and I shook my head to disperse the thought. If I started thinking about Lorenzo now, my face would get hot and I'd start to feel nervous about seeing him. I wasn't in the mood for hyperventilation at the moment. 

I was waiting for Chris outside Lorenzo's office. I leaned on the wall and popped my gum while texting Rima on my phone:

Me: Tell me EVERYTHING. How was the date with Josh? 😍🙊🙈

Rima: Don't. It was a bust 😪

Me: Why? What happened?

Rima: We had like, ZERO things in common. All he did was talk about his family's dairy farm and how he was gonna take me there someday.

Rima: I fought the urge to tell him I'm Lactose intolerant 🤐

Me: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Me: You're not lactose intolerant.

Rima: I'm not. But one more word about his grandpa's famous fresh cow milk and corn porridge and I will be ☠🤢

Me: Man. I'm sorry it ended so badly Ri-Ri-Roo 😝

Rima: You know I can't hit you but wait until I'm back in Seattle. Your days are numbered ⏳🔪⚰

Me: When are you coming back? I miss your death threats 🥺💔

Rima: Soon, maybe next month. I can't wait to kill you in person 😍🙊

Rima: Yo! Gotta go, my dad's giving me the third degree 😪🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♀️

Rima: I Love You, Bitch!💖

Me: And I Ain't Never Gonna Stop Loving You, Bitch!✨💕

Chris and Lorenzo walked out on cue just as I finished texting with Rima. "Are you ready?" Chris asked and immediately Zoey 101's theme song started playing in my head.

I stopped internally singing when I looked at Lorenzo and found his eyes roaming up and down my body. His lips were parted and he breathed heavily. I tried hiding my smirk but it was really hard. Now who was checking who out? I thought slyly.

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