37. "I will prove it to you!"

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The next day, Rima and I found out we were working the night shift, And we were both furious. "No. Hell no! Absolutely Not!" Rima protested and I shook my head in disagreement. I was Not gonna take the night shift again after what happened last time, I swore I wouldn't do it.

"Everybody else is too freaked out. You girls are the only two with enough experience and the only ones I can count on" Matty begged as Rima and I looked at him disapprovingly.

"Dude, the last time I took the night shift I almost ended up with my head under someone's table" I argued while frantically shaking my leg, "Yeah and I almost died too behind that bar" Rima further protested.

"Alright. I have an idea" Matty prompted as Rima and I stood their with our arms crossed, "Sky, you take the bar tonight and Rima can wait on the tables" He suggested, Rima and I hesitated for a bit.

"It's not like we have a private dinner tonight, it's a full house. Plenty of people around" Matty finished and we sighed, indicating that we accepted to work the fucking night shift.

"Fine!" I say as I dropped my arms, "But just know, I'm gonna be drinking as well" I said as I raised my hands in the air, making Matty let out a soft laugh,

"As long as the clients are happy, I don't care if you start dancing on top of the bar naked" He said as he patted my shoulders then left his office.

Rima looked at his retreating back then at me, "I would actually pay to see you dancing on a bar",

"Really? How much?!"


The place was busy. Super busy. Both floors were filled with powerful people having dinner, drinking wine and laughing at the world's problems since they didn't really affect them that much.

I grabbed the Whiskey Sour to give to the light brown haired fella that had been eyeing me for the past 10 minutes, I placed the glass on a napkin then placed it in front of the man with a warm smile, "Here's your drink sir"

"Thank you, Gorgeous!" He complimented before he paid for his 20 dollar drink with a 100 dollar bill, I stared at bill on the table then back at the man, I opened my mouth to tell him it's more than the price but he cut me off by getting up and smirking at me,

"Keep the change" He winked and I noticed that as he left, he left his business card on the bar. I picked it up and it said Clarke Bradshaw - Family Lawyer'

"Thanks for the tip Clarke" I then hummed his name under my breath again before putting the card in my pocket.

As I lifted my head I found an old client and friend, sitting on the bar. Man, I haven't seen him in a year, I thought as I went to greet him, 

"Alex Freaktown!"

I greeted as I purposely miss-pronounced his last name, it was in reality 'Frikton' But Freaktown's funnier. It's just something that we do.

"Hello Thunder Fest!"

He greeted back earning a big grin from me as I shook his hand then bumped his fist like a dude.

Alex is the son of Charles Frikton, he's some doctor, surgeon hot shot. Whenever he had his business dinners here, he would drag Alex along thinking it will get him interested in Medicine. I've known him since he was 19. He would always try to get drinks knowing damn well he was underage.

"I'll tell you again, we don't serve drinks to underage kids" I crossed my arms giving him my serious mom look. He showed me his ID that said he was now 21, "Oh honey, I am old enough to drink now. And trust me, I can't be sober when I listen to dad's friends talking about all their shitty gross surgeries they performed this week" Alex made a sour face and I laughed.

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