25. Backfire - Part 1.

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"So, are you ready?" Chris asked as we were having a match. He's been training me more in kickboxing ever since Lorenzo ordered two weeks ago. We've been working out together in Lorenzo's fully equipped gym in the basement. We started early in the morning at around 6 or 7 am, which trust me has been a nightmare to get accustomed to.

I begged Chris to train me at a more decent hour, one when there were other humans awake. Even birds woke up later than us for crying out loud but I guess night time was preserved for criminally, dark alley mafia business, or whatever it was that they do together.

So that's been my very tight and packed schedule. Early morning, boxing with Chris. Then breakfast and later shooting with Jared. Then later in the afternoons or whenever I was free, I would go over to where my mom is and we'd spend the rest of the day together.

I was really surprised that Chris was a really great teacher, and in amazing shape. Probably even better than Lorenzo, not that I've seen.

Well I kinda did when he did that uncomfortable strip tease thing when I first met him, but that's beside the point.

I thought I was alright before but the techniques Chris has taught me were mind blowing. I learned so much in just two weeks, more than I've learned in the 3 years I've been boxing.

Things like how to keep my wrist still while punching so I don't accidentally break it, how to maintain my balance and throw off the opponent. How to determine the opponents next move by reading their body language. I was lighter and faster than I've ever been.

He's really talented, it's kind of strange how he acted like this goofy shadow character but he's actually extremely useful when it came to his line of work.

Chris asked if I was ready, referred to my two-week shooting test, Lorenzo said that in the midpoint of the month he would evaluate my shooting skills, and if I did well I wouldn't have to continue the lessons with Jared for the rest of the month. And I would get my very own gun.

Talk about pressure, "Yeah. I'm Hella nervous I won't deny it but I'm optimistic. Jared is a really good teacher" I answered while simultaneously blocking a punch.

"Don't worry. I spoke to Jared and he said you're one of the fastest learners he'd ever taught, he also bragged about how you were checking him out when he was teaching you how to aim. Gotta say Sky, I'm hurt, I thought we had something special" Chris joked as he threw more punches at me.

I kicked him in his leg then double punched him in his stomach which he blocked as well, like I said he's really good. "What?! I'm gonna kill him" I said frustratingly, I couldn't believe Jared would say something like that.

"Okay, I was Not checking him out. He was teaching me how to properly hold a gun and was telling me about how my arm should look straight from my shoulder to the gun barrel and I don't know why I'm telling you this" I realized I became out of breath after blocking Chris' hits and talking at the same time.

"It's because you're madly in love with me and you don't want me to misunderstand your relationship with Jared" Chris bragged and winked at me causing me to punch him in his head but when he ducked to avoid it I kneed him in his temple then kicked his leg again causing him to lose balance and fall.

"In your dreams, Blondie" I bragged as he fell to the ground. "Okay, you win" He surrendered and I raised my hands in the air laughing in victory and pretended to greet the shouting crowd, that's when Chris kicked me behind my knee causing me to tumble to the ground. "WHOA!!" I screamed mid fall.

It's funny how you only realize you're falling like two hours into the actual fall.

He laughed as I hit the ground, and I joined after him. I started taking my protective gear off starting with head gear, I felt anxious again about the evaluation. It wasn't like Lorenzo was the most approachable or easy going guy out there.

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