*BONUS chapter* .Clean Slate.

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(Bonus chapter) You can skip it, but as long as you're here, why not read it?

My first male POV, so exciting. Let me know what you guys think



I sat in my car in silence, looking down at my legs and thinking about what to say. I didn't know if I was ready for this. I was outside of Skyler's mom's house.

Genevieve Ambrosio Fest: Woman who ruined my life.

I turned the car engine off and took my cologne out of the glove compartment. I sprayed it along my neck and palms thinking it would give me the motivation I needed to head inside but I couldn't bring myself to leave my car. I made a promise to Skyler that I will fix everything, I wanted to do this for her. To prove to her how much she means to me.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and played with the ring on my pinky, it was a dumb habit of mine when I felt unsure of what to do. I looked at the house again, and her car on the driveway. She was home, I only had to grow a pair and go inside.

I didn't even know what to say but I knew I had to confront the woman I blamed for my mother's death and the reason why my bastard father has treated me like shit all his life. But then again, I never knew their full story.

When I went and visited him in Italy, he told me he'd been watching me and that he knows about the girl. I was furious. Not only was he enjoying his retirement and leaving me, his only son, in the face of the cannon that is the Italian Mafia. But he had the nerve to spy on me.

I wanted to clear things right then and there but he refused to say anything about what really happened between him and this woman. Not unless I brought Skyler with me and to do that, I had to talk to her mother first. At least get her approval of our relationship.

But before that. Her and I had a pending conversation.

Feeling suffocated, I exited the car. I fixed my suit jacket and straightened my trousers before heading for the house. In quick steps I reached the door and rang the doorbell this time. I looked around the porch while I waited, noticing the multitude of flower pots since last time I was here.

I looked up to see the door being opened and a beautiful brunette woman stood there smiling. She looked like Skyler but, she didn't. They shared a tall build, and a smile but that was about all I could see.

My mouth was left hanging, it was like I forgot how to speak. "Can I help you?" She spoke in a sweet tone and that jolted me back to reality. I cleared my throat, 

"Buonasera, My name is Lorenzo Vitale, I'm dating Skyler. Your daughter" I wanted to hit myself after the last part. Of course she knows what her daughter's name is, why did I say it? Fuck, I was too nervous about this.

The woman's expression changed from amusement to shock after hearing my name. She looked at me for a while, searching my face for clues. Her eyes widened by a millimeter, anybody else wouldn't have been able to catch it but I knew she recognized who I am.

She looked down as she opened the door wider, "Please come in"

I walked it taking notice of the twinkling lights, the beige walls and peach drapery. This was definitely a woman's house, I couldn't live in a place so bright.

She lead me to the living room and nervously picked up about a thousand peach and white throw pillows off the sofa for me to sit. Maybe she was anxious, maybe she thought I was here to kill her.

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