8. New Beginnings, Or So I Thought.

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That was the greeting I got from my mom before she attacked me with a hug that nearly crushed my rip cage and my soul along with it.

She asked me where I was all this time but I lied and told her I fell asleep on the bus and woke up near Idaho where I got mugged and that's why I couldn't contact her. I told her I didn't know where I was, which was true. I still don't know where I was.

It was about 11am when I got to my mom's. She took me out for brunch and then went back home. I was nervously looking up every two seconds thinking that Lorenzo was gonna show up from behind the chairs and shoot me.

She told me she won't allow me to go back to my apartment which I thought was ridiculous. "Mom, I'm twenty four years old you can't do this" Was my argument but Gen didn't care at all.

I told her I'm going back tomorrow or the day after to look for another job. To be honest deep down I felt relieved she wouldn't let me go home alone. I know, I sound like a little bitch.

But I guess this little bitch still needs her mommy.

After coming home and feeling safe again I decided to go to treat myself with a bowl of strawberry ice cream with extra frosting. I then went back out to the living room and sat on the couch next to my mother. She smiled lovingly at me then stared at my bare chest for a while and her smile dropped.

"Honey, where's your necklace?" My mom asked with a grimace. "Oh! I lost it at Crimson that night, I don't know where it is" I replied feeling really hurt and I just wanted to cry. That necklace was very special to me. It was given to me by my dad before he passed away.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry"

"Remember what he used to say to me every time he saw me wearing it?" I asked my mother as I remembered my sweet dad. She smiled down at me "Just like your eyes" We said at the same time then laughed.

That was what my father told me that when he hooked it on my neck the first time and again almost every time he saw it since. It was the most beautiful gift I've ever received and I cherished it deeply.

I've had it for as long as I can remember. I never took it off, it became a part of me and now I just feel naked without it. That necklace was the one thing that made me feel like I still had my dad with me. Now it's gone, forever. Just like him.

I guess all the memories of me playing with my dad in our back yard and him making us breakfast on the patio really struck a cord with me because the next thing I feel is my tears on my face and my mom hugging me close to her chest.

"I miss him too, sweetie. But his soul will always remain a pleasant memory in our hearts, right?" she cooed as she cradled me closer. Her words were reassuring but I knew she was crying too, but she did it silently to stay strong for me.


I fell asleep afterwards. I woke up a few hours later and saw my mom in the kitchen making dinner. It must be 7 pm or something. "Hey, need any help?" I offered cheerfully. "Hey sleepy head, sure I'm making a chicken stir fry",

"Oh YES that's my favorite" I cheered throwing my hands up in the air, gotta love mom.

"I know sweetie, It's mine too. Cut up the carrots and bell peppers"

"Okie Dokie!"

I was in the middle of cutting happily when out of nowhere my brain decided to replay my encounter with Lorenzo in his bedroom. The way he kept nearing me while unbuttoning his shirt. The golds in his eyes dancing as he looked down at me, his long lashes coating his eyelids. When he licked his lips before talking, and the way his...

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