First Meeting❤

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A cute boy was dancing with rhythm of music

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A cute boy was dancing with rhythm of music.. And moving like butterfly.. Gaining attention of everyone.. And his sexy moves.. Abs and sweat on his forehead dropping and sliding towards his nake.. And in his shirt.. Everyone was awestruck to watch such beauty dancing on floor.. So many were drooling at boy.. And some eyes preying that sexy and hot looking body... But one person was first time in his life saw someone else with eyes of this admiration.. He never ever pays attention to anybody.. Not towards his co-actors also... But this boy got his attention knowingly or unknowingly but now he don't want to look away he only want to stare at that boy that beauty of heaven.. Like an angel on earth...

This all words were his heart saying.. Which he never ever try to listin.. And never ever react to any hot girls or boys.. But towards this cute boy... As he just forgot the world and only this boy and him were exists he felt and watching him.. But then suddenly he heard Haoxuan's Teasing voice.. Then he come out of extremely intense stare

Hey zhan... ZHAN... Why you are drooling at that boy.. Umm.? Is he won your heart just a first sight? I never saw you like this starring at someone like this? Is you fall In Lo.. As haoxuan was completing his sentence zhan cut him

Shut the fuck up.. Xuan.. Don't ever try to pair with me someone.. And I'm not starring at him.. It's just were watching were my didi is looking and cheering this happily.. And why would I drool at that shameless brat who is showing his body to everyone said zhan angrily and started walking towards his didi

But watching zhan's reaction Xuan regrets Imiditly.. now zhan will be double cold towards that boy.. Beacuse of past incidents he never glance at someone or give them chance to talk.. Some of fans were always stalk him everywhere or one of crazy psycho fan put secret cameras or microphone in his car so they will get to know about his love life.. Some biggest businesses's were just approaching him for their daughter's.. Some crazy girls will always try to seduce him.. Not a single one wants to meet him as person .. Everyone wants to meet him As the Idol The Sean Xiao Zhan . He were craving for true friends.. But so many were after just his fame or his money.. So then he become extra cold.. Not want to hurt his feelings which no one wants to know.. No one wants to be with him at his pain... Just wants to be the part of his successful life.. But in actual he craves for that someone who will brighten his life.. But he still ignores.. But after so many years first time I saw spark in his eyes watching someone like this .. Hope zhan listings to his heart ones.. Whatever it is.. Xuan was thinking all this and following zhan behind!

As jiyang lost in the dance of Bobo he saw his gege walking towards him..but having cold expressions.. But watching me also looking at him he smiled... And hugged me..
Omg.. Zhan-ge you are here.. Yayyy .. Said jiyang exitedly and hugged back his gege.. & said why are you so late and when you come? Asked jiyang with curiosity.. Because he didn't saw him enter club . . Just while ago when you were cheering for your Bobo.. Said zhan with expressionless face! Oh.. Sorry I didn't noticed ge.. Bobo was dancing so awesome that I forget surrounding.. Come ma I'll introduce you to my friends.. Said jiyang dragged zhan towards his friends.. When yubin saw jiyang was talking with someone.. But because of his back he can't recognize figure... And then he saw.. Jiyang dragging him towards them.. Then he saw the face.. He literally screamed loudly omg what the hell is this THE XIAO ZHAN! ..

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