Dark Room

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Wang Yibo's POV :

As phone fall from my hands and I don't know were its gone... But the shadow I saw when door opened now I can't see because of darkness... But someone's footsteps coming towards me I can feel that... I know it's happening again with me but this time I'm not scared whatever it is I'll face that.. I'm not weak anymore... Because I can protect myself... I don't want anyone's help I can help myself whoever it is, I'm not gonna spare him.

As footsteps coming more close towards me but nighter I spoke nor that person.. He just walking slowly towards me.. But this time I didn't stepped backwards... As I can feel the person is exactly in front of me.. I give a strong punch on his face with my all force... that person maybe stammered because of strong punch he was about to fall but he grabbed my waist not to fall but because of his sudden moment I lost my balance.. He fell on the floor and I fall on top of him.

My head is on his chest and his one hand was on my waist and other on my butt.. I thought it's definitely that pervert He peng who was trying to flirt with me... Looking chance I was alone in store room maybe taking chance he also entered and want to take advantage of darkness.. But he don't know I'm not that weak now who can take advantage of me like before.. I learn self defense very well.. I was struggling to get free from his grips but to my surprise he was well built and have strong body.. I can feel his broad chest and his grip was too tight around my waist and butt cheeks ... Anger took over me and I was about to punch his face again he grabbed my both hands and locked behind with his one hand.

He was too strong..so I started screaming then.. YOU BASTERD.. YOU JERK LEAVE ME.. HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME LIKE THAT ... I SAID BEFORE AND ALSO SAYING NOW... BE IN LIMITS.. .. as I was struggling to get free from his grip and shouting at him suddenly he put his one hand on my mouth and spoke and my body froze on the spot listing that 'Mr wang.. C-can you be quite a little? My eyes widened and then I couldn't utter any word also because of shock and his hand on my mouth! Then he spoke again looking that I'm not struggling to get free anymore.. Mr wang.. I don't know whoever you thought of me... But I'm not that person that are you saying ... Now my body started to heat and my all senses come back and the anger that I was feeling completely lost... I can't see his face but I can feel the persons breath on my face... That means we are very close... then he removed his hand from my face because there was no movements .. I was only stiffed at that position.

But he didn't let go my hands which was holding me tight... Scared might I'll hit him again... after he let go his one hand on my mouth then I tried to speak ' m-mr ..z-zhan?


3'rd person's POV :

Cheng Xiao was about go inside room to practice suddenly a assistant worker stopped her and said ' ah miss here is your outfit..' She surprised and asked were did you get that? I thought there was no extra? She asked with curiosity.. Then that assistant spoke ' actually miss there was an extra but we didn't know after checking we found out.. ' oh then she started thinking about yibo... Then she spoke to assistant.. Oh okay you go put it in my room .. She was about to go to store room to inform yibo about that but she bumped into someone.

She started rubbing her forehead and slowly looked up.. Ah XIAO LOASHI! She exclaimed and immediately straitened up and bowed and said ' ah I'm sorry laoshi I didn't saw you.

Xiao zhan coughed and said' Cheng Xiao.. Were were you going... ? Performance will start soon

Umm laoshi actually.. I asked yibo to find if there is extra outfit because mine was ruined by one of assistant and there was no extra so I told yibo to check so he go to check in store room of clothes.. And suddenly that assistant come and said he got extra outfit so I'm going to inform him..

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