Office Romance 🔞

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After 9 months!

Yibo after bathing zhanyi was drying his hairs with the towel who was standing there cutely and looking at him very curiously making yibo to kiss on his cheeks.

"Uhm what my baby want to say huh.. baba will give it.. First say baba.."

Yibo was teaching him making his mouth open a wide so baby could do same as him and just like zhanyi trying to open his mouth while making his little finger go near yibo's mouth and putting them in making yibo chukle at the cuteness of zhnayi.

While zhan was getting ready for office and tying his necktie spoke "Baobei.. Come and help me to tie this"

Yibo pouted and said "No! Zhan ge.. I'm teaching zhanyi to call me baba.."

Zhan laughed and said "No he will definitely call you mama" and winked at yibo making his eyes go wide.

He raised his eyebrow and asked "why do you think he will call me mama?..

Zhan just like the tie around his neck come closer to yibo who was on setting on the bed and putting his both hands on his shoulder spoke " Dada teach him"

Yibo shook zhan's hands away and glaring spoke "I'm not women."

Zhan pulled him in his arms making yibo melt right away said while caressing his face "But you gonna be my wifey"

Hearing that yibo's blood rushed towards his face and he with a racing heart spoke "N-no I'm not."

Zhan's hand went from yibo's waist towards his hips and rested there making yibo gasp. As he pulled yibo closer making their lips to merely inches away.

The air in the room started to rise also heat on yibo's face he gulped nervously and spoke "G-ge zhanyi is here"

Zhan started to give light squeezes to yibo's ass as he spoke with a lust filled voice "I'm missing this fluffy ass of yours"

Yibo's both hand cluched on zhan's front shirt making zhan go more insane as he moved his fingers to the curve of yibo's ass cheek line above shorts making yibo gasp and part his lips.

Zhan was about to capture those plump Rosy lips but suddenly they heard a voice making both of them to get out of their desires.


Zhanyi who had still towel in his head was now walking towards both of them

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Zhanyi who had still towel in his head was now walking towards both of them.

"Mama.. d-dada.."

And hearing that zhan and yibo's breath hitched. They could swear they never heard or know such a beautiful voice exist on the universe.

Zhan and yibo hold each other's hand tightly and looked at each other with tears in both of their eyes.

Zhan noded his head with a teary happy smile and yibo immediately hugged Xiao zhan making zhan to hug yibo back tightly.

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