Chapter 6

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It had been a month ever since they've met last and Jisung hasn't heard of a single thing from him, he continued to work on cases on the side though. Chan and him had gotten much more close, Felix and him had been seing each other, well Chan always called him Nathan, his undercover name.

"So, when willI meet your boyfriend?" This was the most excitement he could show people, his emotions were really complex and he would always hide them.

He was much more opened around Chan of course, after all he did see him ball his eyes out.

"He's not my boyfriend, and maybe soon we could organize something" Chan smiled, going back to working on his case. It had been a really busy week, so many things were due and with not a lot of time they had to rush a lot of things. Meaning they were now exhausted.

"I'll head back home now, maybe this time I'll get to sleep." Jisung still had no luck at all to fall asleep.

"I hope so too, see you tomorrow!" They waved each other goodbye and Jisung headed out. He had moved apartment, it was a bit farther from his job then the previous one, but at least he was safer from Minho's grasp. It would be way to0 risky to stay there even though he liked his old apartment. It seemed to be going well, no visit from the wanted criminal.

He walked through his front door, getting an uneasy feeling around him like a snake creenin up on him from behind. He made sure his door was locked at least five times before going to his kitchen to take his sleeping pills.

They allowed him to get a maximum of five hours of sleep instead of two, which was better then nothing. He took them like usual, swallowing them down with water. They tasted different but he didn't think much of it.

He made a last trip to the bathroom before getting into bed, laying down to look at the roof, letting a heavy breath out. He suddenly felt really weird, his whole body was sweating and he kept moving on his bed, hoping it would go away.

It didn't, it only got worst from there, especially in his lower body, he felt the strong urge to touch his intimate area, which had never happened before today. His whole body was damp now, he squeezed his legs together to try and make it go away.

Little did he know, someone was enjoying watching him squirm around. He couldn't hold in his silence anymore.

"Something wrong?" Minho spoke softly, Jisung panicking mentally, physically he couldn't really do much except move a bit.

"H-how did you f-find me?!" He tried to kick himself up but he couldn't, his body tensed every time he tried to move.

"I could find anyone, anywhere in a matter of minutes, no one can escape me" he approached the boy in pain, leaning down to look at his miserable face.

"Get away from me" he closed his eves shut, he didn't know what was happening to him, but every time he glanced at Minho, he wanted to do things with him, touch him places he shouldn't.

"Did the pill I gave you finally hit?" Han looked up confused, what pill..?

"Don't remember? You took them earlier, I must have accidentally switched your sleeping pills with viagra" he smiled widely as he saw the younger boy under him panic. That's why he felt so weird, why he wanted to be touched so badly.


"You? Great proposal, I'll have to pass though" he sat on the edge of the bed, smiling at the younger who was still fighting all the urges to touch himself. It was already embarrassing enough but now his enemy was at his feet, staring at him.

"Go ahead.touch yourself" he laid his head in his hand.

"I'll wait"


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