Chapter 58

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Chan had been tied to that pole for an hour, his hands and fingers started to feel numb as he tried to move them. Felix's knees weren't much better, they were bruised because he refused to stand up and leave his husband behind.

"You two sure are close friends." Jisung's father mentioned, the disgust on his voice present. Felix had taken his ring off.

"I feel sorry for you then." Felix spat out.

"About what?"

"That you've never had a friendship like this...I wonder why" he glared at him and turned back to Chan.

The man stepped forward but the other stopped him.

"You're not harming my son."

"Then tell him to shut his mouth." He groaned.

"They'll be here soon, just endure a little bit longer."

The other scoffed and walked away, loading his gun while mumbling insults.

"Felix. Come here." His father spoke and the younger slowly turned to face him, furrowing his brows.

"No." He held Chan's hand tighter.

"Remember the deal we made?"

Felix froze and looked at Chan again, pure fear in his eyes.


"Then keep your word, or I'll keep mine." He spat out and walked away as well, Felix melting into his husband's chest to hide. He could hear small sobs, so the older sighed and started to hum his favorite song.

"Where are you Ji...?"


"It's too reckless!" Jisung caught Minho's arm and tugged him backwards.

"Well it's the only plan we've got! My brother and your bestfriend are in there right now with two sadistic pricks who raised us. I don't want them there a second more." He spoke quickly but even Yeji tapped his shoulder.

"We all want him out of there...but I don't think just walking in is the best idea..."

"What else do we have...?" Ryujin asked, looking at Minho, who gave her a saddened look, then lowered his head.

"They want to talk. It's just as talk right?" Seungmin asked.

"No." Jisung spoke up again, chills all over his body. They all looked at him. "He...he wants something, I don't know what or why but he decided to come back for me...he'll get what he wants. He Always did"

"N-no...we'll stop him right? Then rescue chan and Felix...right?" Yeji looked around to find answers. Their were none.

"I say we go in right now." Minho said.

"It's too risk-" jisung tried to speak but was interrupted by Minho's lips on his, then pulling away.

"It was always risky. That has never stopped us before, even when the odds were completely against us. I know you're scared but I'll be right by your side the whole time. We're all here." He held his hand and Jisung calmed his nerves down a bit.

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's thigh calmly and pulled her closer, both of them warming the other up.

"We're heading in." Jisung said.

"Wait...we'll need a distraction"


"I already told you! We're lost!" Ryujin yelled loudly as they walked towards the facility with two guards posted at the entrance.

"No we're not!" Hyunjin yelled back, crossing his hands.

"Then let's ask these gentlemen where to go, because my husband clearly doesn't know what he's doing!"

"Oh I know we're on the right track!" He clapped in her face and she walked to them.

"Excuse me sir" she said loudly.

"You aren't supposed to be here-" the guard tried to speak.

"I know! You see Sam, he doesn't know how to use a map!" She turned to Hyunjin and he scoffed loudly. "Could you please point us in the right direction?" She smiled at them.

"That's our cue.." Minho whispered and helped jisung up the ramp, going over on the roof. They quietly went around until they found a window that showed the main room. It wasn't empty.

No guards, only Chan tied to a post and Felix besides him, hugging his arm.

"What the hell is going on...?" Jisung whispered.

"I don't know but we're getting them out of there. Theirs a ladder to go down. On the right" they both looked at it and Jisung nodded, walking towards it.

"How long do you think our cover will work?"

"Hyunjin and Ryujin yelling at each other?"


"Im gonna say can't even cook pancakes right!" Hyunjin explained.

"Well you can't even make love to me!"

The two guards gasped and watched them.


"They could go for hours, don't worry, right now we need to find a way to make those two leave, especially Chan. Then we'll talk to them"

"I'm scared to...what do I even say?"

"Let me do the talking...once this is over we can go home and watch a movie okay? Lay under the covers and feed each other grapes, anything you want. But we need to do this first..."

Jisung nodded and clenched his jaw.

They went to the side and climbed down the ladder one at a time and quietly walked toward the center of the room.

Chan looked up and sighed in pure relief as Jisung went behind him and undid his chains.

Felix jumped on minho and hugged him tightly, sniffling his nose.

"We're getting you two out of here, climb up there and once you get out, seungmin and Yeji will pick you guys up in the car..."

"I'm staying here with you." Felix said and held him closer.

"Trust me, things are about to get real messy" minho touched the gun in his pocket, even Felix felt it.

"But I should stay with you..."

"I'll talk to dad, do you know what he wants?"

"He didn't say anything to me. Only that if I didn't do as he asked he'd..." Felix stopped and looked at Chan with watery eyes. "I'll get him out of here"

He took Chan's and and helped him walk to the edge of the room.

"Good luck you two..." he mumbled and Minho nodded in response.

Once the other two were out of sight, secured, Minho got his gun out and held it in the air.

"This is your last chance to go Jisung, are you sure about this?"

"Yes." He said without hesitation even if his hands were shacking.

Minho shot in the air and he heard the bullet hit a layer of metal above them before falling back down next to him. It echoed loudly around the room and in the entire building.

They waited for countless seconds, silence falling upon them.

The door then busted opened and the two men walked in. They looked around confused at the missing captive and one of them groaned loudly.

Jisung felt his entire body give out and barely a breath could be heard coming from him.

He was petrified.

"I think it's about time...we had a talk"

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