Chapter 56

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"I lied." Jisung said as everyone sat down.

Yeji looked around confused, searching for answers, but it seemed like everyone around her already knew what was happening.

"I'm not the hero everyone says I am. I'm far from it. It might have started off that way but I slowly fell down...Yeji, I need you to promise me to keep this a secret."

"I-I promise" she replied quickly and Jisung nodded.

"Remember the blood diamond?"

The room froze.

"Of course...he's your biggest rival"

"He used to be..." Jisung mumbled and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. "Until I fell for him...Lee Minho" he turned to his lover and so did Yeji's eyes.

"You're...?" She widened her eyes and looked around confused. " Why?" She mumbled, confused.

"It's hard to understand, trust me, I get it" Chan said, a firm hand on Felix's thigh. "But you have to hear us out first."

She trailed her eyes over every person in the room, then Ryujin.

"Okay...I'll listen."


"So Minho sold all of the drugs that day, splitting the money between us...we're done with that life now. Nobody outside of this room knows about this." Felix finished off.

"So all of you were involved?" She looked at Ryujin again.

"I wasn't there yet, but I came to know about it later" she answered.

"Okay...okay this is a lot...I need some air" Yeji fanned her face and got up, Ryujin taking her arm.

"I'll bring you." She spoke and they both left outside. Once they were out, Minho turned towards Jisung and raised a brow.

"Why are we really here Jisung?" He said and they looked at him, the same question in their eyes. Chan and Jisung met each other's gaze and looked back at Minho.

"Yesterday night their was a huge drogue transfer in the city, your name was mentioned. They think you did it."

"You mean...?" Felix raised a brow.

"Someone is passing as Minho. We think it's linked to whoever those two men were, the ones who asked for Jisung." Chan answered and silence fell upon them again.

"It doesn't make any sense...who would try and steal your identity?" Seungmin spoke up.

"I don't know..." Minho pulled Jisung to sit next to him and grabbed his hands, looking into his eyes. "But if they want me...why go after you as well?"

"I...don't know"

Ryujin and Yeji walked back in and sat next to each other, the black haired one having an arm around her shoulder.

"We might have something..."

The two girls looked at each other and Ryujin pulled out a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Two men came in my tattoo shop looking for the two of you not long ago. I told them to go fuck themselves, but they left a number anyway..." she handed them the note and Minho looked at it strangely.

"Did you see what they looked like by any chance?"

"Both in their 50's and more, tall and wearing really expensive suits. Their hair were black, theirs nothing more I remember...but I could check the cameras to get a clearer picture if you want."

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