Chapter 60

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"You have every right to hate me..." Jisung's father said as he gently rubbed circles on his back. He didn't respond and just stayed where he was, he could barely move apart from the sobbing.

"What's the catch?" Minho whispered to his father and they looked at each other.

"The catch?"

"Yes, if we were to even consider taking the company...what would happen to our lives?"

"Well you'd become the blood diamond again, Jisung would pretend to chase you until your heart's desire. We have agents in the police, you'd have access to them to control everything you want. Their is no catch."

"You beat up my friend."

"Because we needed you two to come here, you would have never accepted. He will be rewarded with what ever he wants, we can buy him a new house, a nice car-"

"Why give us the company? Why not just sell it?"

"Because you are our only remaining family"

Minho stayed silent, he didn't believe them one bit. Their was something odd about all of this, maybe he was just confused. After all, so much was happening.

M.Han pulled away from his son and helped him up gently, but jisung turned around and ran to Minho's arms quickly. He hid himself and didn't stop sobbing for even a second.

"This is...too much for one night."

"We will leave you time to think"

"Don't even try and even look at one of our friends to get our attention. How do we contact you?"

"Just use the same phone number when ever you two make up your mind..." his dad told him and they all nodded. Jisung still crumbling.

"I wanna go home" Jisung sobbed out.

"We're gonna go now...and next time you try and steal my identity, do a better job covering up your tracks, I've got a reputation to hold. Also, if you ever try to hurt one of us again I will rip you up from the inside and burn your fucking flesh."

They surprisingly nodded and Minho walked with Jisung outside where a car had just arrived, Ryujin waving at them.

"Come in"


They got home and Minho laid his lover on the bed, he had fallen deeply asleep on the way back. The older closed the door behind him and walked to the kitchen where Felix was drinking straight from the bottle.

"Might want to restrain yourself a bit there"

"No...I want to forgot this ever happened..." felix lowered his head on the counter and sighed. "He threatened to kill Chan if I didn't stick by him...god he makes me sick"

"I know...I don't trust anything he told me, but I can't really tell that to Jisung right now. He needs time to breath"

"I never wanted Chan to get involved in our shity past, since when does dad care?"

"I don't know...." He mumbled and went through some old files, groaning because it lead to nothing. "How is chan's head?"

"He's doing fine, I gave him a bath to wash and treat him properly...he kept saying he was fine but...I can't even imagine how scared he was" Felix also went through the papers, flipping them one by one.

They heard a loud shout from one of the rooms, a chilling and deeply hurt yell. Minho widened his eyes and rushed to his own room, bursting through the door.

He found Jisung shaking and yelling. He was alone.

Minho rushed to his side and took him in his arms again as Felix walked in the room as well. He watched the two of them and sighed.

"Jisung you're ok...we're home, I'm right here with you. Nobody can hurt you..."

"I'm so lost Min..." he cried out, holding onto his shirt like his life depended on it.

"Just try and get some rest, I'll stay with you until you wake up" he looked at his brother and Felix nodded, closing the lights and the door for him.

"The deal he wants...are you going to take it?" He looked up with red and teary eyes.

"Let's not talk about that right now, you need to rest princess"

"I cant. Everytime I even barely close my eyes, I'm a kid again...I'm weak and naive...I hate it"

"You are none of that anymore ji. You're the bravest person I know, don't let anyone forget it" he held him and laid his head on his chest.
"I love you."

"I love you too..."


Felix walked back in his own room and shut the door, going to cuddle with chan who was watching a movie. Once he was in his arms, he started to draw circles on his chest and watch him because less and less interested in the movie.

"Im terrified of losing you..." chan said out of the blue and pulled him even closer. "When I was in that room all alone with a bleeding head, all I could think about was you. If you were safe, if you were hurt"


"I mean it. I hope their won't be a next time, but just in case, I love you so so much lixie"

"I love you more..."

"And i love you most"

"I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise baby"

"And I'll do the same."


.the next morning.

Jisung woke up first, a few hours before Minho. He got up from bed and walked to the bathroom where he looked at himself in the mirror for a while, watching his pale skin stained with tears from the night before. His whole body felt like collapsing, yet he couldn't rest even if he tried to.

Once he was done he walked back out and watched as Minho turned around a few times, unconsciously looking for Jisung.

The younger smiled and walked out of the room to get himself something to eat, only to find Felix sitting on the couch in front of him.

He looked just as tired.


"Hey.." the blond one responded.

"Rough night?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep for even a bit."

"Me too...I-...I'm scared for them" Jisung sat next to him and Felix laid his head on his shoulder. "Yesterday, it felt like the last finally came back to haunt me, as if i hadn't gotten enough yet. I have all of these horrible memories that are coming back...all I've ever done is repress's not working anymore"

"Well maybe you need to talk about them with someone...we're all here for you. Chan is a great listener, of course your best friend and I wouldn't tell a soul...but"

"But what?"

"I think you'd feel better if you actually spoke to Minho. I know he hasn't told you about the...attempt yet, he hasn't even spoken about it to me. When he woke up in the hospital, he was quiet for a whole week, occasionally saying he was sorry" Felix explained and Jisung nodded.

"I'm terrified to talk about these things..."

"Maybe that good, maybe it's a step you both have to take..."

Jisung hummed to agree and his eyes suddenly felt heavy, so did Felix's.

"Good idea...thanks lix..."

"No..." he yawned "problem."

They both fell asleep cuddling each other on the couch.

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