Chapter 48

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The wedding had ended, everyone going back to their regular activities. The two lovers were going on their honeymoon, but they had one last thing to do before leaving.

That was the new plan. To stay away from each other and avoid speaking at all cost, it was too complicated, too hurtful.

But Chan and Felix had other plans.

They both picked up their phones on the way to the airport and dialed different numbers, both of them picking up at the same time.

"Hey Min, I need to ask a favour" Felix said looking at Chan smirking.

"Hey Ji, could you do something for me?" The older said.

"So you know how I'm moving out to go live with Chan in our new house? Well I just checked and we need to be moved out by tomorrow. were leaving for the airport now so I was wondering if..."

"You could go to the house and pick up my things, it would mean so much" chan said the same thing.

They waited for a response and then both nodded, closing their phones.

"It was just a coincidence..."

"We both happened to coincidentally call them for the same reason at the same time for the same location" Felix winked at his husband and they both went on the plane.


"What are you doing here?" Jisung asked as he closed the door behind him.

"I live here. What are you doing here?"

"Chan asked me to move his stuff..."

"Felix asked me the same..." Minho slapped his forehead, rubbing his temples.

"Great, well lets not talk to each other then, that'll solve it" if only it was this simple, but of course both of them together can't keep their mouths shut. especially Minho. They loaded boxes with various items from their rooms, going one at a time.

"So you like girls now...interesting..."

"No.talking." Jisung grumpily replied, taking a picture frame in his hands and looked at it. "I remember this..." he showed the older the picture and he instantly smiled. It was from a trip they went on the four of them. they had made so many good memories there, how could they forget?

"Me too...mostly us sneaking out at 2 am to go and watch the stars....". he then looked away, not trying to get any emotions in the mix. they already had enough trouble.

"Yeah....those were my favorites too"

the younger's heart ached a bit at the thought of never having that again.

"I see why you like her..." he mumbled again, making Jisung sigh.

"Why won't you just let it go. I like her. End of story."

"Did you ever tell her that you love her then?" Minho said firmly, stopping what he was doing to look at Jisung.

"No....I haven't. b-but I got really close at one point!"

"Or really? Let me guess, you froze completely and didn't even say a word?" He looked at Jisung and he knew he was right by the way he lowered his head in defeat.

"Yeah pretty much..."

"Well do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you love her?" They kept packing away the stuff, glancing at each other a couple of times.

"At this point I'm not sure what love is...."

"Its simple. Love is when you care about someone so fucking much that it changes you. You'll start to make any sacrifice for them even if it ends up hurting you along the way. And you want to know whats the worst part? You forgive them and want them just as much as you did before, no matter what they did to you or your close ones. Thats what love does. it might be pretty and shiny at first, like a pretty view when the sun hits your skin, but in reality its a fucking storm. It's there for one thing... its there to ruin you." He took the box he had and went to put it with the others.

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