Chapter 37

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Hyunjin and seungmin drove for a while, the older's hand on his thigh the whole way there.

"We're here..." he parked in front of a sketchy street.

"That house?" He pointed at what looked the closest to a house, but Hyunjin shook his head.

"No...that street right here...I was put there as a kid" he got out of the car, the younger following him. It was messy there, so many more homeless people craving food or money.


"Yeah, i didn't feel like receiving another hit from my dad so I stood up for myself...which cost me my family and everything I have ever had" he let out, a small smile on his lips as he tried to convince himself this was normal.

"...Hyunjin this is abuse, I could contact someone-"

"I don't want to talk about our jobs right now I just want someone here for me..." seungmin took his hand, putting it on his heart.

"Ok..." he back hugged him, kissing his shoulder.

"I'm here to listen, I'm here to hold you and I'm here to love you." He held his hand tightly, looking at him in the eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"Like I've told you, i had to fight for everything I have right now. It's sort of a game, except unlike others that grew up here, I never got to the point where I saw the screen saying 'game over'. I hated it here, you couldn't trust anyone because they would give you up for a piece of bread, and I couldn't even blame them. Most of the people I grew up with either got addicted to some sort of drug or died of starvation or cold. That's why when I look at you..." Hyunjin gave him a small smile, thinking about all the feelings he felt around the younger.

"It sort of leaves and it's then that I get that my past doesn't define me as a person. I was surviving thats for sure, but I wasn't living like I am right now with you. And as much as you hate Minho, he sure as hell saved my ass back then. I started to work for him and soon I had enough to go to school and catch up"

"He did that...?" He was starting to feel guilty about all of this, even if he was just doing his job, which was to catch the 'bad guy'.

"Yeah...he saved my ass, that's why I need to help with his plan. I don't care how crazy it is or how risky, he's my closest friend and he's done so much for me already. I'm telling you this so you actually consider the offer."

"I understand...could I speak to him then?"

"Very funny seungmin, you won't get him that easily" Hyunjin chuckled as they walked back to the car hand in hand.

"No I'm serious, I want to speak terms"

The older male stopped in his tracks and looked at the boy close to him, not believe him right away.

"...seungmin if you're joking this isn't funny-" the younger took his shirt and pulled him close until their lips touched. He kissed him for a while before pulling away, both blushing.

"I'm serious, I want this...for us. For a better future with you" they both got into the car and Hyunjin started the engine.

"Ok...i trust you"


Felix finally came back to the house, ignoring Minho completely, like he wasn't even there. Chan sat back in silence as the quiet scene in front of him took place.

The youngest abruptly put things he bought in the shelves, his movements looked quite angry.

Chan walked up to him and back hugged him slowly, making sure he wouldn't push him away, but to his suprise he leaned in the touch.

"'re back" Minho started, tension freezing in the air around them.

"I didn't come back for you, so don't try" he turned around and glared at him for a few seconds before walking to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him and burying himself in his soft blankets.

"I'm worried about him Min..." the older said as he played with the skin around his nails, bitting them out of nervousness.

"Don't worry about him, he's the strongest person I know. He's just...scared, and he needs someone there for him right now" Chan nodded and headed to join his boyfriend, leaving Minho alone again. He sighed and let his back slide down the couch, rubbing his temples.


"You wanted to see me sir?" Jisung answered his captain, closing the door behind them.

"Yes, I need your final decision on the Blood diamond case, it's quite important I get an answer so...have you decided"

"Well...i was going to turn it down because as you know it has tormented me enough as it is but... Chan convinced me so..." he looked at his superior in the eyes. "I'll take the deal, I'll lead the operation"

"Good, we're starting tomorrow" he said and got up from his desk.


"Yes, that's when it's happening, better be prepared" he put a hand on his shoulder before walking away, leaving Jisung stunned.

What if everything went wrong...?

It could go either way really.

And no one could know.


"Just take a deep breath, don't worry too much" Hyunjin took his hand as they waited inside his house. Seungmin was fidgeting out of a nervous habit, not able to stop moving or doing something. They had planned to meet up at the older's house since it was spacious and that way seungmin wouldn't get to see where the blood diamond lives.

They heard knocking at their door a couple of times, which meant he was there.

Hyunjin went to open it calmly as Seungmin followed not far behind, clinging to his arm.

When it opened, it revealed a man wearing a mask.

"Seriously Min...A SPIDER-MAN MASK??!"

"Well it was all I had on hand!" He scoffed and came inside the house, closing the door behind him.

"What ever, this is seungmin, he'll help us but he wants to hear the terms"

Minho explained to him the plan again, making sure to give him numbers that could reassure him, and it did.

"So yeah, that's all I need you to do tomorrow, would that be ok with you. If you keep your end of the deal, I'll keep mine" Minho finished, seungmin nodding slowly.

"I agree with your terms, but just so you know, I'm only doing this for Hyunjin, that's it" the youngest said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"That's good with me, I've also found someone else to help us with the same motivation...come in!" He yelled at someone else outside the door. This tall blond man walked in, and it only took Seungmin a couple of seconds before recognizing him. He was Jisung's friend, Chan.

"I thought you were Jisung's friend...why are you even helping him..?" He looked over at Minho and he could tell he was smiling behind his mask. He then pulled it up his face, exposing his features, seungmin widening his eyes.

"So, everyone here agrees to the terms...?" Minho asked, looking into everyone's eyes one by one.

"I'm with you until the end" Hyunjin put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm doing this for Felix...but I'm also with you" seungmin recognized that name and he just realized that this whole operation was deeper then the surface. It had so many faces and secrets that he knew nothing of. Three cops and six criminals all together, what a messy situation.

"I-I'm with you" seungmin answered after a while. they all looked at each other and Minho smiled.

" here's the plan"

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