Chapter 45

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Today was the day.

Bells were echoing on the huge building they were in.

And everyone was running around.

"Did we receive the cake yet?" Felix asked the person he had put in charge of the organization and they simply nodded, trying to calm the poor boy down.

"Like I've told you, everything is being set right now, you should go and get ready he pushed Felix towards his changing room and then he had nothing better to do then get himself set. People started to do his makeup and he had put his dress on.


Jisung wasnt doing much better if he was being honest. His feet were stuck in front of the church, he hasnt been back In one since he was a kid. It wasnt even the same one but his whole body was stuck there like ciment, not letting him go farther then that Yeji was right next to him holding his hand, taking as much time as he needed to start to go up the stairs. Once again perfect.

"You can go inside if you want. I just need a few more minutes." Jisung said while he took a few steps back.

"I can stay with you, I really don't mind" she gave him her best smile.

"I know I just need a bit of time alone"

"Ok Ill see you inside then" she kissed his cheek and started to walk up the stairs, reaching inside.

He took a few breaths in trying to calm his nerves down. He knew that he wouldnt be there, but still All those nightmares he had, they never made him feel like he was gone, it always roamed the bad of his mind, no matter what he did.

"Are you afraid of stairs or something?" A
girl behind him asked her arms crossed.

"N-nots just-bad memories"

"Ahhhh so you tripped down the stairs when you were a kid, same here." She chuckled, reaching her hand out. Jisung turned his head slightly to the side. wondering what she wanted from this.

"Take my hand. I'll help you" she gave a smile and is then he noticed her pretty eyes.

"S-sure" he took her hand and they walked to the top, him only looking at his feet the whole way up. Once they made it inside she clapped for him.

"You did amazing! Ryujin said, but they were interrupted when a staff member came up to them.

"Hello I'm so sorry to disturb you but were running out of time. Could you go to the back room and get some more chairs?" He asked hopeful.

"Yeah sure, sounds easy enough" she took the keys from his hands and headed to where the man pointed them to go Jisung following along uneasy behind her walking confidently.


Yeji had walked inside, looking at all the beautiful decorations and pink flowers that were stunning with the rest of the glace.

"Welcome, could I take your jacket for you?"Minho asked her, and she smiled back.

"Of course she took it out and gave it to him, so he put it on a hanger.

"Could I actually ask a favour?" He said as he looked at all of the coats he had to bring.


"Could you help me bring all of these in the huge closet they have? It wont be long" she nodded, starting to help him bring them.

They stumbled all the way there, trying not go drop all of the coats that were unsure where to put them.

Once they made it, they started hanging them one by one.

"Im so sorry I didnt ask, but whats your name?" He asked her first, breaking the silence.

"Oh I'm Yeji is nice to meet you, what about you?"

"My names Minho, I'm Felix's brother, how do you know them?" It felt strange to finally use his real name, but since it had been a year. people tend to forget, plus since Felix's name hadn't been leaked. it wasnt really a problem.

"I mainly know Chan but I came here with Jisung" he froze just by hearing his name.

"How do you know him?" He couldn't even say his name, thats how much it gained him. But was he was even less ready for was hearing his answer.

"He's my boyfriend" she said as she saw that he was clearly distressed.

"Right-t...i hope you take good care of him"

"I do. are you his ex by any chance.? Sorry if its strange to ask but I was wondering?"

"Y-yeah thats me" Minho lowered his head trying to forget again.

"He never told me what happened between the two of you all I know is hes really nervous to see you"

Minho scoffed. at her answer, sighing deeply.

"Hes the one whos nervous huh? Yeah right.."

"It ended on bad terms? She asked genuinely Minho could tell she was honest and pure, he had chosen her well.

she was everything he wasnt.

"More then bad."

"im sorry to hear that" she put a hand on his shoulder hesitantly, he didnt push her away, he had no reason to.

"It's alright.its just complicated"

"Sounds like about we finish hanging these thousands of coats and we can go have a bit of fun before the wedding officially begins, I heard the cake is really good"

"Sounds good to me" he reciprocated the smile and they finished their task


"You know, when they said chairs. I didnt know they meant HUGE FUCKING CHAIRS" Ryujin kicked one slightly because it wouldn't move even a bit.

"Well kicking it wont help" Jisung crossed his arms as he looked it front of him.

"Fine then I'll kick you, maybe I'll feel better" she glared at him and continued to try and move a chair.

"You remind me of someone." he smiled to himself as he thought of Minho. always so wreckless.

"Better be someone good or ill kick your head" she gave up and sat on a chair instead.

"You sound just like Minho..." he mumbled, but she still heard him as clear as day,

"Minho...? Don't tell me youre Jisung?!" She got up and even though she was shorter then him, he got scared.

"I a-am, why?" She backed him into a corner.

"Do you even realize how much you hurt him...? How much he cried when you left? Youre lucky he made it out of that attempt alive you know.."

"Attempt...?" His eyes widened. Minho was
the strongest person he knew, he would never even think hes go there...

"You mean you didn't know? Youre lucky Felix found him still breathing....took him months in the hospital to get out, hope youre happy" she spat at him, crossing her arms.

"I didn't know...fuck" he put a hand on his mouth out of pure shock, wanting to throw up. Ryujin saw this, she couldn't help but feel bad for him not knowing.

"Did Chan not tell you...?"

Jisung shook his head, feeling tear well up in his eyes. Thats when he knew. He hadn't even gone close to getting over him.

Ryujin looked at her phone and cursed to herself, grabbing Jisungs hand.

"We'll be late for the ceremony, now get yourself together" she rubbed the tears away from his cheeks with her thumbs, making sure not to touch his light makeup. She then made sure his suit was well placed before she took him out of there.

They arrived in time, not even caring that they didn't get any chairs. Everyone went to their place, Ryujin on one of the chairs and Jisung went in the very front next to Chan.

"I'm nervous...." the younger admitted.

"Were in the same boat here, don't worry. we can do this" Chan put a hand on his shoulder, both nodding slowly before they heard the music start to play.

And the ceremony began.

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