Chapter 39

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The smoke finally cleared and the shots had stopped, while everyone held their breaths for the results of the outbreak.

To their surprise, nor Jisung or Minho could be spotted, it's like they had vanished into thin air, making everyone quite confused.

It had worked, the plan was a success. Now their was space for acting and drama.

"The blood diamond kidnapped jisung!" Seungmin yelled, pretending like he was shocked in the slightest. A rush of panicked flooded all of them, their best detective had been taken.

The captain then walked into the room as well, wondering what the hell was the panic about.

"Will someone tell me what happened here, the rest of you shut it!" Every single cop stopped and looked at their superior, no one knowing where to start.

"Han Jisung was taken sir..." Jeongin explained, lowered his head out of guilt.

"Fuck..." he mumbled, rubbing his temples. They were probably really far away by now.

He received a phone call, picking it up and his expression froze up as all the eyes were on him. He then took his phone and threw it across the room, everyone except Chan and Seungmin flinching at the sudden movement.

"They moved the drugs while we were here...we were being played" he started cursing and all of them retreated and half searched the building from head to toe, still not finding any clue as to
How they had even managed to get out.

The two other cops were smiling to themselves.

They had done it.


.about a week later.

Jisung's sudden disappearance was all over the news, everyone had heard about it. Search party's were done and still ongoing, a lot of citizens also volunteering to help find this detective. Neither Chan or Seungmin has had any form of contact with them, it helped for the interviews they had to do, so they wouldn't slip any unwanted information.

Félix was still mad at his brother for not listening to him, he was glad it went well of course but he couldn't help and feel betrayed. At least him and Chan were still doing well together, never really having any problems.

For Hyunjin and Seungmin it was the same, the couldn't be happier. The police were so busy that the older didn't need to worry about anything. Plus, now that all the drugs were gone, he didn't have to sell them anymore and get himself in trouble.

Things were doing good, really good.

"Do I look ok?" Chan asked Felix as he tidied his suit and tie.

"You do but you have to look more tired, if you really want the interview to be convincing..." the younger took some of his makeup and made sure that Chan would fit the look he was going for.

"I really hope it'll go well"

"It will, now go already, you don't want to be late" he kissed his nose and passed a hand through his blond hair.

"Ok...i love you"

"I love you too Chan, I'll see you later"

The older then left and drove all the way to the police station for the interview. Cameras flashed in his eyes as he walked inside the police station, clenching his fists as he prepared himself to answer the same questions over and over again. This had become the usual for him.

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