Chapter 61

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Minho woke up and was surprised, partly worried, that Jisung wasn't next to him. When he got off from the bed, he walked to the living room where Chan was placing a blanket on Felix and jisung, both completely knocked out.

"How's your head?" Minho asked quietly.

"Fine I guess..." he replied shortly and sighed.

"You worried me back there..."


"Yeah" Minho chuckled lowly and approached him. "Too much is going on and I don't know where it's going, it's terrifying"

"I get what you mean...but I'm not so afraid anymore."

"How...? You were in the most danger then any of us."

"And yet all I worried about was Felix...that's why I'm not too worried about what will come next...because I have him right by my side. I know that it's different for the two of you, you've had it tougher then we did, but don't you feel better when he's holding you hand? When he hugs you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then that's all you need right now...maybe talk to him about it, about how you're feeling about all of this and the deal your dad wants you to take"

"I think I will...thanks"

"No problem" Chan gave him a smile before looking at his husband sleeping. "Do you kind of...sort of..." chan trailed off.

"I mean we..." Minho looked at the two boys on the couch and smiled.

"We could..."

"They're too adorable we have to join them" they both went either side and cuddled their boyfriends on the couch as well.

"This is normal, we're normal."



When jisung opened his eyes again, he had Minho snuggling in his arms and Felix laying his head on his shoulder with Chan leaning over his own husband. He looked around and smiled widely.

Was this what family was supposed to feel like?

He smiled even more and held onto Minho softly before kissing his head, which made the older move slightly.

"Are you awake?" Jisung whispered.

"Yeah...why did you leave the bed this morning?" Minho asked with concerned eyes.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought that I'd get my mind off of things. Theirs a lot to think about right now"

"I know...I'll try and help you as best I can baby"

"I know you will..." he smiled and they stayed there for a while, snuggled up against each other's chests. "Anyway...I have to get to work today, so I'll see you tonight"

"Ok, be safe"

"I will" he got up to go change and Minho stayed there and leaned on his brother's shoulder.


"Jisung, my office" his boss told him as he got into work, Jisung was of course earlier then anyone else and already working. He took his files and placed them aside before walking towards his office.

"You wanted to see me?" He asked, his head slightly tilted to the side.

"Yes, I want to give you the case again."

"Oh...I thought you didn't want me to have it"

"Nobody else wants it, they are all terrified after what happened to you last I have no choice but to give it to you, even if I think it's better if you refuse" his captain gave him a sympathy look and Jisung nodded.

"I...I know this case affected me but...I'm ready to take it again. I'll solve it this time"

"Just take care of yourself...please, you're my best detective...after all these years, you have yet to disappoint me Jisung. I am very proud of you."

"Thank you sir." Was this what it felt to be praised by someone you respect? Had he missed out on all of that?

What a father was supposed to be...?

"You've always reminded me of my son you know..." he sat at his desk and looked at him with a smile.

"I don't think you've mentioned your son before"

"No...he is no longer with us"

"I'm so sorry..." Jisung lowered his head.

"No worries, it was a long time ago, he always had an undying spirit in him...I just wish he could have lived to grow old with me..."

"That is a nice wish...I'm sure he is proud of all you've accomplished sir" Jisung gave him a smile.

"I know...I just wish I had told him how proud I was of him..." he also smiled before getting up from his chair and walking to Jisung, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You've come a long way since you first arrived here..."

"Yeah, someone helped me along the way..." he blushed and his captain smiled.

"Was it that man that came to the Christmas party a while ago?"

"Yes actually, how did you know?"

"I have never seen you smile more then when he held you in his arms...are you still with him?"

"Yes..." he chuckled.

"I'd like to meet him again one day, maybe you could introduce us soon"

"I would love that sir"

They both smiled and Jisung left his office not long after, a warm feeling in his heart.


It was late.

Minho knew that very very well, and yet that did not stop him. He walked all the way to the church and opened the heavy doors, they shut soon after behind him.

His footsteps hit the floor with purpose as he made his way up the golden hall. Their were a few candles lit around the room and Minho looked over the entire place.

"It is very late to come to church at this hour..." an old man spoke as he walked with a stick to hold him up.

"I know." Minho replied shortly and watched the many benches around them. "I've never really been the religious type"

" atheist?" The old man asked.

"Yes, you could say that."

The older one nodded and smiled slightly.

"Then why are you here? Have you come to seek something?"

"More like someone..." Minho mumbled and looked around. "I'm looking for the priest here."

"That would be me..."

"You used to work in a church about two cities away from here, then two months before that you were in another country..." Minho chuckled and the priest raised a brow.

"Do I know you...?"

"No. But you will." He grinned and walked towards him. "You move around a was really hard to track you, but after a year of digging I finally found you."

"What do you want from me?" He backed away.

"Oh don't worry, I just want to talk. A little conversation never hurt anyone right?" He pushed him on a chair and laughed when he trembled in fear.

"Listen...whoever you think I am, you've got the wrong man."

"No...I don't." Minho pulled out a knife and smiled calmly. "Now you're going to answer my questions...or I'm going to make this really difficult for you..."


A/n: it's about to go DOWN! 😂

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