Chapter 42

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a year later.

As promised, the blood diamond had stopped all of its activities, and it showed, crimes went down big time in the city they were in. The rest of them continued their regular job, but being a cop had become rather boring.

Minho had been in his boxing room all week long, unleashing his anger on the red bag in front of him. Since Jisung had left him, his anger had been very hard to manage, just like it was before he had met the younger one.

Felix walked in the room with a basket of fruits in hand, putting it on a table nearby.

"Minho watch it, don't forget your new tattoo" the younger one said as he walked to him, making sure his forearm was still fine.

"I'm fine Felix, it helps me more then it pains me" he didnt even look at his new tattoo before continuing to hit the bag.

"Did you forget what today is...?"

Minho stopped again, sweat dripping down his forehead. What did he not remember? He knew their was something, he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Oh come on...we agreed to go to a picnic together! Don't tell me you forgot!" Minho slapped his own forehead, nodding slowly.

"I'm sorry Lix I completely forgot, I'll go change and come and meet you in the car ok?"

He hugged his younger brother and walked to his room, getting a fresh pair of clothes that didn't match at all with Felixs bright and fun clothes. He wore a dark silky button up shirt and some black jeans to pair it with. It was most of what he wore everyday anyway.

"Hurry up! I'll wait outside his brother yelled, taking the basket full of amazing treats. Minho rushed out of the room smiling, running to his brother. They went to the car together and packed all of the things they would need. It was a beautiful day outside really, the sun was burning on his soft skin, caressing it gently as he went in the car.

They drove out to a nearby forest, installing themselves on the perfect little hill. The older could tell that Felix looked relatively nervous by the way he was moving, like if he had something to say.

"Lix is something bothering you...? You seem all fidgety he chuckled seing his reaction.

"Yeah I've actually got some pretty big news..." he looked up into the sky, taking a big breath in and out, making sure to use the right words to explain the course of the next few months.

"Go ahead" the older reassured him with a smile.

"Well as you know yesterday night Chan invited me out to dinner.." he spoke calmly.

"Yeah...?" He said so he could continue.

"Well he took me out to this beautiful place after dinner, we went near the beach and walked along the side of the waves for a while but then..."

"He eh..." Felix continued, scratching the back of his neck.

Minho put a hand on his knee, waiting for him to finally get it over with, curiosities burning him up inside.

"He got on one knee and proposed to me" Felix smiled at the thought of it again. showing Minho the ring he had on his finger.

"And I said yes" Felix said finally and Minho jumped on him laughing, both the brothers giving into the hug.

"Thats amazing!! I know how much he means to you, gosh I'm so proud of you, my little brother all grown up" he pinched his Cheek and the younger one wined.

Im not a baby anymore!" Felix chuckled. trying to push his brother away. "So when is the wedding? Could I help in anyway?"

"About the wedding..." Minho got this uneasy feeling when the younger suddenly stopped smiling and looked away.

"What about it...?"

"Well as you know its important for everyone close to both of us to come... I already have all of the invites for our side of the family...but eh, Chan wanted to invite someone else...." Minho clenched his fists together, bitting down on his lip harshly as he thought of seing him again.

"Hes inviting Jisung..." he finally said making Minhos heart sink to the bottom of the ocean.

"Oh...shit yeah thats some news" he tried to appear calm but Felix could see right through him.

"It is, thats why I want to make sure you're alright before going much farther with this, I know how much it broke you when he left-"

"Its fine...its your special day Felix, I'll handle seing my ex one day, it doesn't matter he tried to reassure his brother and himself in the process. It half worked if he was honest, but he would never admit it anyway.

"Youre amazing Min..." he held him close to his chest, staying like that for a while before pulling apart.

"Yeah yeah I know, now lets get some food, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me" he nudged the basket in front of him. Minho gladly did so, but when he opened it, something caught his eye.

There, was a bow tie perfectly placed in

the middle of all these delicious foods.

"Are you asking me to be your best man..?" A smile crept on his lips.

"I wouldn't want anyone else there with me..." he gave him another hug, Minho being in tear at this point.

"I'll make sure to be there for you...! love you Felix" he held him by the waist, hearing his heart pound.

"I love you too Min..


Chan walked into the house, Jisung running to him.

"Well?! What did he say?" The younger asked impatiently, hoping everything went according to plan.

"He said yes!!" The two bestfriend jumped in the air, hugging each other in the process.

"Thats amazing Chan, holy crap!"

"I can't wait for the wedding, and with you as my best man itll be even better they broke the hug and smiled.

"Oh I forgot to ask, can I invite yeji to the wedding?"

"I don't think thats a good idea know for a fact Minho will be there"

"That's exactly why I want to bring her. I cant face him alone...please?" He asked again, Chan sighing deeply.

"Ok but don't you dare make a scene, hes been through a lot" surprisingly enough, Minho and Chan never lost contact. they kept in touch and saw each other a couple a times. The only rule was to never even mention Jisung or what he was up to, the older didn't want to know. afraid it would hurt him even more. They had healed thats for sure, yet the wound was still opened up a certain extent.

"I won't don't worry. Now how about we go shopping, theyre so many things we need to do to prepare for the wedding!" Jisung took Chan's arm and dragged him out of the house, heading to their car.

The wedding was about a few weeks away, neither of them prepared for what would come their way.

But days go by no matter the situations, it passes the same even though sometimes it feels like an eternity before you are free.

The wedding would come eventually.

And quicker then they anticipated.

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