Chapter 40

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About another week had passed and they weren't doing much better. They had to keep hidding until things got less tense out there, so they laid low for now.

"Where did you put my shirt?" Minho asked, struggling to find the item.

"Which one?" He responded, sounding completely unfazed by his boyfriend's struggle.

"The black one I always wear, where is it?" he walked though the whole compartment, shirtless and angry.

"How should I know?" jisung kept eating with absolutely no care in the world. Minho kept walking around, throwing a fit for not much of a reason. He was just irritated, sick of it. It's had been two weeks since they had been in that bunker together. It made them reflect on their relationship, if they were so sick of each other after a short amount of time, what did that say about their futur together?.

"Then help me find it!" Jisung rolled his eyes and got up, helping him look through drawers. After a few minutes, he stumbled across a bunch of paper work, he grabbed them and flipped through a bunch of them, his eyes widening as he read.

"Minho...what the fuck is this...?" He mumbled, the older walking to him. He grabbed the paper out of his hands and hide them again.

"You weren't supposed to see that..."

"Oh really?! A research on my entire background and family isn't my concern?!" He pushed his chest.

"I just wanted to look into your case..."

"For fuck sakes's none of your business"

"It is my business because it's your mental health at risk Ji" he tried to walk to him but Jisung grabbed the paper again, reading through them quickly, his eyes widening.

"Why would you...look him up...why?"

"I just wanted to-"

"You're an asshole you know that...?" He cut him off, throwing the papers on the floor, stepping on them as he stormed out of the room. He grabbed his hair out of frustration as he walked towards the kitchen.

"We used to never have fights, what's happening to us?" Minho asked with softer eyes this time.

"I just can't stand you right now"

"When will you then?" Minho asked hopeful.

"I don't know" they looked at each other for a short moment before looking at the door, seing Hyunjin unlock the huge metal door. He froze when he saw both of them distant and tense.

"I brought you food and hygiene products" he tried to cheer them up but it didn't work and they kept looking at the floor. He went to put the basket on the table and looked around the small area they had. It wasn't messy but it looked like some physical fights had happened, and he was right. They got very violent on the occasions that they would have an argument, pushing each other, hitting each other's arms. Mainly Jisung, which stunned Hyunjin.

"Ok..." the tallest said awkwardly, going to put the stuff in the fridge, while the other two just kept looking at each other, glaring.

Jisung then walked to Hyunjin, wrapping his arms around his waist, making Minho bite the inside of his cheek. He laid his chin on the older's shoulder and kept checking if Minho cared. Hyunjin didn't even bother getting involved and let the younger do what ever he wanted.

"Hands off." He was pissed, it worked.

"Why? It's not like you ever give me any attention anyway"

"Is that really what this is all about?!"

"Yes it is!" Jisung snapped back, making Hyunjin flinch. The taller man then slowly walked away.

"I'm gonna go now..." he said, exiting by the metal door and closing it behind him.

Now that he was gone, Jisung pushed Minho against the wall, but it was far from anything sensual, it was violent and full of hatred.

Just like it was before.


They hated each other.

"I don't want to be here as much as you Ji...I don't like what it's doing to us, but we have to stay here."

"If we won't get along now, how would we get along later...?" He said as his eyes melted a little again, because they had gone quite cold.

"I don't...I don't know but I want to make it work" Minho tried to take his hands but he pushed them away.

"You know we can't! What the hell was I even going thinking" The younger walked away, pulling on his own hair.

Minho took the lighter that was in his pocket and flipped it open a couple of times out of a nervous habit, it burned his fingers a couple of times, but he couldn't care less about it.

"I think we can!" He followed behind him, still using his lighter a couple of times, but then Jisung took it out of nowhere.

He put it above the sink, water filled to the top of it.

"Jisung don't do that it means a lot to me" he tried to approach but he only put it closer to the water.

"Let me out of here, or I drop this" he looked dead serious, Minho having teary eyes. That lighter was the one he held for so many year, he took care of it and made sure it was safe. It was the same one he had when his mom died in front of him.

"Don't start this, you're not leaving, it's safer this wa-"

"Oh I don't care anymore Min!...please let me go"

"I'm not doing that!"

"Then too bad" Jisung dropped it in the freezing water, watching it sink to the very bottom of it, all of the water going in every crevasse of it. Minho's heart sank as well, feeling his fire get cold, until he couldn't even feel it anymore.

"What did you do?! No!" He ran to it with teary eyes, getting it out and blowing on it even though it did nothing. He fell to the ground and tried to whip it on his pants, but nothing worked. His eyes turned furious, red from all the anger and sadness he was feeling.

Jisung was heavy breathing, understanding what he had just done now.

"I...I'm so sorry I didn't-" Minho got up suddenly and pushed him brutally against the wall. Jisung felt the air shoot out of him. Before he could even cough, Minho's eyes stared at him.

It was so quiet, so tense. He could almost hear Minho's thoughts repelling against him.

He wanted to hit him. His lover, his everything. He could only see red and what he had lost just now. Minho felt like he had just seen his mother die again, like the lighter's crevices soaked up the cold water.

Minho raised his hand, high enough that Jisung knew it would hurt, more then anything coming from him. He closed his eyes and waited.

The hit never came, but he could feel Minho's breath slowly shaking.

His comfort had become his enemy.

"You want to kill me...don't you...?" Jisung finally cried. That word made him stop completely. Minho let him go, stepping back as he gasped for air, looking down at him crying.

"Jisung..." they both fell to the floor, jisung holding onto his knees like he would when he was younger.

They were enemies.

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