Chapter 16

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A month had passed since that night.

Things were going great.

"Go go go!" The police captain yelled at them while they stormed the building. Jisung had a gun in his hand, running in the corridors in full gear. He kicked a door down, looking everywhere before going inside. He did this in a bunch of rooms, until he got to one and got a really bad feeling.

He walked slowly inside, his steps creaking as he marched forward.

Suddenly a noise behind him made Jisung turn around quickly, gun facing the person that was now standing in front of him.

"Don't shoot!" Minho out his hands up, smiling widely at the younger.

"Min what the fuck are you doing here??! I'm at work, can you not?!"

"Oh yeah the culprit you're trying to catch right? I found him and tied him up in the next room"


"I like used a sort of cable I found on the floor and-" Jisung pulled him into a kiss, shutting
him up. Minho grabbed him by the waist and pulled him as close as he could to his chest.

"You idiot, I told you not to get involved in my work, you're lucky it's nighttime"

"I couldn't help myself, I missed you" he hugged him, making sure to kiss him everywhere on his face.

"I saw you the other day" he put the gun back in his pocket, sighing.

"I know I know...well I'll leave you to it, meet me later at your place?" He walked the window, opening it.

"I'll see you later" Minho jumped off, landing onto another roof top.

Jisung then walked to the other room and just like Minho said, the guy with the exact description was sitting there, tied to a chair.

"I found him" he said in the walkie-talkie, telling them which room he was in. They stormed in, plenty of other police officer escorting the criminal to a very secured car.

"Good job Jisung, I can always count on you" the captain put a hand on his shoulder, the younger smiling widely at the compliment. Others around at them were jealous, speculating none sense about him. He was used to it now, but It all faded when Chan walked up to him to give Jisung a big hug. He held him there for a few seconds before pulling away.

"You're amazing at this! Oh and we're still going out later tonight right?"

"Yeah, I just need to go home and freshen up, I'll meet you guys there" he waved him goodbye, getting his heavy gear off his body.

"Are you Jisung?" A guy that looked younger then him walked up to him, sparkles in his eyes.

"Yeah that's me, how can I help you?" He gave him a small smile, usually people weren't very happy to talk to him, they would roll their eyes at him once they left.

"My name is Kim seungmin, it's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about your amazing work and I think I found new information about the blood diamond case" they shook hands, jisung getting nervous.

"Really? What'd you find?" He raised

his eyebrow, from all he knew, he was the only one in charge of the case actively.

"I looked into old files and found something about the Lee family"

'Shit' jisung thought.

"He had a brother, the only member of his family left and I've got a name, Lee Felix"

'Fuck fuck fuck'

"That's amazing, could you send it to me? I'd like to get into it"

"Of course! It was nice to meet you" seungmin said, waving him off.

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