Chapter 36

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"Are you sure you don't want part in the plan-"

"Yes. Minho I've told you, I'm not joining in your crazy plan. It's great for you but I can't do that to Ji..." Felix said as he continued to put away the clean dishes.

"It could benefit you and Chan, you wouldn't have to hide anymore"

"I'm not doing this Min"

"What if he's right...?" Chan joined in, feeling Felix glaring at him.

"Are you insane?! It's way too risky, are you really willing to sacrifice everything we've worked for?" The younger looked at his boyfriend with confused eyes, trying to search for a reason, one he wasn't getting.

"It could be beneficial on the long term-"

"I don't want to hear it" Felix walked away, Chan following not far behind.

"We're not taking your fucking deal..." Felix spit out to his brother, walking off as the oldest gave him an apologetic look before also leaving him.


"Hey puppy" Hyunjin smiled to the younger, he was surprising him with a bunch of flowers and some of his favorite snacks. Seungmin smiled back and let him walk inside his apartment. It was quite a small space but better then nothing.

"What's with all of this?" he kissed his cheek, getting on his tiptoes to make sure to reach it.

"Just thought you might like this, you need to understand that you're loved" he handed them to him, making seungmin blush shyly at all the affection he was getting from Hyunjin. They were quite different in showing affection, seungmin had trouble accepting it and Hyunjin was the most romantic guy he's ever seen.

"But it's not even Christmas yet, and I d-didn't even get you anything-" the older shut him up by kissing him, not even letting him take a breath in between.

"I don't care cause I...I'm in love with you Seungmin" the younger had tears in his eyes.
"D-did I say something wrong??! Was it too soon?"

Seungmin chuckled, whipping his tears away quickly.

"No you idiot, you're the first one who's told me that" he kissed him again, Hyunjin smirking through the kiss.

"I love you too..." they hugged for a few minutes, but it felt like they had stopped time to enjoy each other's presence. They loved each other, that was the very first step, now for the second.

"How about I make you dinner tonight, then we can talk about something"


"Yeah, don't worry it's nothing big, more of an opportunity, but it doesn't matter. Dinner?"

"Sounds handsome devil" Seungmin said as he put his nose on Hyunjin's, chuckling lightly.

"My perfect angel" they moved their noses together, both of them enjoying every second of this.

"I'll get it started then" he kissed his cheek and walked to the kitchen, starting to get the things he wanted for the meal. They ended up doing it together, throwing each other cut up vegetables  and laughing. It went like this, small food fights, kisses, turning on the stove, hugging, arguing about how to cook pasta the right way, more kissing. It was going perfectly.

Hyunjin picked him up by the hips and put him on the counter, attacking his neck.

"We're gonna burn the pasta-" he just continued to kiss his neck, bitting and sucking on the skin.                                   

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