Chapter 67

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Jisung woke up with a dizzy head. He wasn't in pain or anything, just really confused. His body kept moving involuntarily, because things around him were moving. He was in a sort of car.

He lifted himself up on his elbows and coughed loudly, looking around. He was indeed in a truck.

"Minho?" He looked around with soft tears in his eyes. He wanted this to be over, to just have a normal life, so it brought him tears.

He quickly whipped them away and clenched his fists. Nobody could hurt him.

"Where is he?!" He yelled and kicked the door at the back of it, it didn't even move a bit. "Can anyone hear me?!" He hit it again.

"The powder was supposed to make him sleep the entire ride..." a voice at the front whispered and Jisung turned his attention carefully.

"What are we supposed to do?"

Jisung crawled to the front and tapped on the tinted window.

"I..." he tried to speak. "I don't know who you are or what you want from me...but please just take me instead, leave Minho out of this..." jisung curved his spine and held his knees, he felt so cold all of a sudden.

"I-I don't care what you do to me Okay? I've been through it all already. Don't hurt him...he's the only good thing that's ever happened to me..." he didn't think he'd be begging, he imagined himself screaming and angrily insulting them but...he just felt like crying, like running to Minho and sobbing his eyes out.

When he didn't get an answer he just went to one of the corners and closed his eyes, desperately smelled his shirt, it smelled exactly like his lover, fresh and flowery.

He fell asleep again and waited for answers.

"Minho..." He mumbled in his sleep.


He woke up again when the van suddenly stopped, so he got up and looked around to analyze what he should do next. For the first time, there was no plan, no way of escaping, no way out. He felt stuck and completely out of his element.

He looked ahead at the two doors that would open soon enough and waited for a moment.

Something unlocked on the other side and the doors opened finally. Two men stood there, one with a blind fold in hand and the other with a gun.

"Put this on your eyes, don't make this difficult." He spoke and Jisung did as they asked, he didn't want Minho to get hurt.

"Where is he?" Jisung stepped out of the vehicle and they guided him across what smelled like a forest. Was this really how he would die? Far away from home with people he can't even see? He could even hear water falls.

"Who are you and what do you want? I'll give you anything."

"Be quiet, we're almost there."

Jisung felt his heart ache as he took yet another step into blindness. He wanted to vomit, that's how much he was noxious at the thought of losing Minho in any way.

"If you hurt him even a bit I'm skinning you for head to toe." He said calmly and the two men looked at each other.

They kept walked for a while until they left him in the middle of nowhere. They let go of his arms and Jisung sort of stood there, blindfolded and scared for his life.

He wanted to scream his lovers name so badly, so yell it out with all he could.

All of a sudden, something was pressed against his back and his heart dropped...until he recognized the shape of his hands against his arms, the smell of his freshly washed hair and the pure comfort that his presence got him.

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