Chapter 8

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"I've never done this before" he admitted, staring at the ice in front of him. Jisung giggled, he sounded heavenly when he did that, Minho could put that on repeat and his chest would feel all warm and tingly like it did in that moment.

"Take my hand" he reached out, Minho taking it hesitantly.

"How do I know you won't call the cops on me?"

"T'm off duty..not my responsibility" he couldn't even look into his enemy's eyes, he was embarrassed. His job always was the priority, but right now he couldn't give less of a shit.

"Fine.guess I won't try and kill you tonight then" he shrugged like it was the most normal thing to say.

"Yeah that'd be a mess to clean up on the ice"

"Is that really your only concern with what I just said?!" Minho looked at him in disbelief.

"Imagine the Zamboni dragging my blood around, what a mess, anyway, are we getting on the ice or not? " he sighed. They were still holding their hands together, it somewhat felt normal, even though it was quite the opposite. Jisung slid on the ice with no problem, inviting Minho to step on it as well.

"I don't need help" Minho argued, doing small steps to finally get on the frozen floor.

"Then why are you clinging to my hand like a little kitten?" Jisung was enjoying this was too much.

"I am not!" He objected even though he knew he would fall on his ass the second Jisung let go of his hand.

"Oh really.?" Jisung put his own hands to his chest, trying to move them away from Minho's grasp, but instead, he slid closer to the younger boy, their faces now behind inches away from each other. Jisung blushed, their lips were so close that he could feel the other breath on them.

"You know, if you want to kiss me princess, just ask" he grinned, the younger having enough of it.

"Oh screw you!" He pushed him, Minho loosing balance and landing on his back, wincing at the cold contact.

"Don't call me pr-" Minho kicked his skates, making him fall directly on top of him, their faces being even closer then before.

"Princess." Jisung finished, a light shade of pink making its way across his cheeks. The cop's heart stopped when Minho looked directly at his lips, how sweet they looked.

Jisung blinked a couple of times, before getting up.

"Get off your ass, I'll teach you how to skate" he offered his hand, acting like his heart wasn't pounding out of his chest. He gladly got up and he started to explain the rhythm you have to take in order to not fall.

He started to do little steps until he was able to go a few times without loosing balance and falling on his knees, which was great progress.

Felix and Chan looked at them, bringing joy to their hearts seeing them enjoying the night.

"Haven't seen Ji laughing this much before." he smiled, Felix looking at his brother, thinking the same.

"Same goes for m- Scotty, haven't seen him like this in a while" he almost gave it away. He really wanted to tell him his real name, it felt weird to have someone he cares about so much call him by his undercover name.

"They sure get along well."

"You dipshit, I'll kick your ass when this is over" Jisung had fallen after Minho pushed him on purpose.

"Doubt you'll manage to pull that off, after all, I'm untouchable" Minho smirked.

"Tonight, I'm letting it slide because Chan is here, but tomorrow I'm taking you down" he got up.

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