Chapter 68

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They headed back to the house they rented and Felix and Chan tagged along. Jisung hasn't left Minho's arm since the very beginning, he was still shaken up by all of this after all.

Chan and Felix were in the front seat of the car while the two in the back cuddled.

"There is something I don't understand..." Jisung spoke softly.

"Tell me then" Minho smiled.

"The flowers you planted, you said they've been there for a while...but we only got back together recently. They couldn't possibly have grown that much in less then two months..."

"So you're asking me when I planted them?"


"Remember that bunker...?"

"The one we...had our fight in?"

"Yeah, I'd get out at night to go and garden for two weeks straight, I was really tired because of it, but it was all worth it" Minho smiled.

"You were doing all of that while I was being such a dick to Why would you ever want me still? I know we both hurt each other, but I'll never understand why you'd want to even look at me again..."

"Because I love you..." he said simply and looked at jisung. "I..." minho sort of tensed and looked at the thin line on his arm, clenching his jaw. "Chan, can you drop us here? I need to take some air with Jisung"

"Of course, you remember how to get there?"

"Yes..." he got out of the car and jisung followed him. Soon they were all alone.

"What's all this about?" Jisung kissed his cheek and took his hands.

"You opened up about your past so I think it's about time I came clean about the night I almost died...if we're going to get married, I want you to know every part of me. Even the ugly bits..."

"I'm here to listen to you..." they walked hand in hand and Jisung felt Minho shift and get closer to him.

"That night I wasn't feeling well. Felix was away with chan for another couple of days, I was alone at home and well I decided to go and visit the garden I made for you..." Minho felt the tears sting in his eyes.

He had never told this to anyone, never explained it. He had only stayed silent.

But not anymore.

"I wanted to destroy that entire everything to pieces...but I couldn't, just like I couldn't stop loving you instead of being mad. So I took a rose home...fresh, red and the thorns were...really really sharp."

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his scar again before looking at his melting eyes.

"I went back to my house, I drank too much, smoked too many cigarettes and made it all worst. My head was spinning, it felt like I had three panic attacks at the same time that moment I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was pitch black and there was no one to hold my hand through it like you used to. So I...went to the bathroom" Minho stopped in his footsteps and Jisung didn't take his eyes off him.

"I looked at myself in the mirror and cried. Because I was convinced at that very moment that I wasn't the man for you. That id never smile again if you weren't around to make me. I was sure you were happy and completely fine without I cried. I took the sharp thorns and...I carelessly dragged it on my arm" Minho let the tears fall and his lover took him on his shoulder, his sniffles and cried being blurred in his shirt.

"I'm so glad you're alive Minho..."

"So am I..." he closed his eyes for a brief moment before pulling away and smiled. "It had turned out that Felix came back early from his trip that very moment. Their was blood everywhere when he came in and I had never heard him scream so much...he cried until he didn't have anymore tears...I've thanked him so many times but it can't even begin to express how thankful I am"

"Minho...thank you for telling me this, it means a lot to me that you trust me with this...I know it's hard to talk about it"

"When I woke up I can't even explain to you how guilty I felt...not even for myself but for my brother. He had stayed up all night to watch me wake we had waited for our mom to...I can't even begin to imagine what he felt. I made him feel the same way as when our mom left. And the worst part is...I wished and hoped you weren't there. That you'd never have to see me like that. With a bloody bandage covering my arm and tears staining my I made Felix and Chan promise not to tell you anything."

"I wish I could of known...I would have driven to the hospital and held you-"

"I know you would have...but at the time I would never have believed you."

Jisung whipped his fresh tears and smiled at him.

"And I never would have imagined I'd marry a renowned criminal, my true nemesis"

"And me a cop who hated being called princess..."

They both smiled and held hands as they walked the rest of the way home. When they made it, chan had already brought out a cake he had made and they all dug in.

Felix pulled Jisung aside once their were only crumbs left on the plate and that left the other two on the kitchen.

"So...the car ride" chan smirked and Minho groaned.

"Did you really listen to it all?" The younger one blushed profusely.

"So I muted it a while, then you got out of the car with a leash on..."

"Y-yeah, Jisung like these things...I would never-"

"I distinctly remember you asking it to be tighter" chan chuckled when he saw Minho hide his red face.

"Fine...I really enjoyed it. Happy?"

"Very much so" chan looked at Felix from far away and smiled. "He's still off you know..."


"Yeah...he doesn't talk as much anymore, he's always zoned out..."

"Does he still hug, cuddle, kiss? Show sort of affection?" Minho asked.

"Yeah...the same as always."

"Then trust me, you've got nothing to worry about. Felix just doesn't know how to say things sometimes, he just needs someone to lean onto, to reassure him"

"I Hope So..."

"I know so, don't worry too much" he put a hand on his back but Chan quickly pulled him into a warm hug.

Jisung was really excited about all of this, he couldn't stop rambling to Felix about it.

"We should hang out like this more often...I can't wait to get married" he squealed and so did Felix.

"I know right?! I want to help pick out a suit for you, and the flowers too-"

Jisung's phone rang and he furrowed his brows when he saw an unknown number.

He answered it and put it to his ear.


"Is this Han Jisung?" A lady asked on the other end.

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm a nurse at the downtown hospital...I'm sorry to inform you but your father has been put in medical care. He is very sick"

Jisung widened his eyes.

He smiled.

"I'll come and pay him a visit soon then..." he couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from lifting. He hung up and exhaled.

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