Chapter 32

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Seungmin woke up once again in this strangers bed, looking over at Hyunjin who was writting in his books. He hadn't stopped having inspiration ever since they started seing each other, making the younger quite happy. They didn't really know each other, that's why they're referred to as 'strangers'. They eat together, shower together and make love to one another.

They could describe each other's bodies perfectly, drawing it without even missing a curve. Yet, they had no clue who they were outside of that.

Seungmin stretched his back, his lower area still hurting quite a bit, but he brushed it off and walked towards the older male.

"You look pretty when you're focused..." He blushed at his own words, he wasn't the type to compliment but it just rolled on his tongue so fluidly when he was with Hyunjin.

"Thanks, you look pretty all the time, so I guess I'm lucky"

"Oh you t-too I just, I was trying to-"

"Seungmin relax" he closed his book, getting up from his chair to take the younger's chin in his hand.

"I've told you, I'm not your job, I'm not your family and i am not your enemy. Their no expectations, no bouderies and no cry that will stay silent...with me you're free" he passed his thumb on his cheeks, making little circles.

"Thank you..." they both sat back down on their own seat, seungmin just looking out the window.

"Hey eh...Hyunjin? How do you know Jisung? And chan as well?"

The air tensed as the older tried to play it off.

"Met them a while back, nothing special"

"Do they know you seek drugs?"

'Yes, of course they do' he thought to himself.

"No, or I wouldn't be here right now" Hyunjin clicked his pen out of a nervous habit, seungmin noticing right away.

"And how did you know that guy at the brunch the other day?"

"He's Jisung's boyfriend, but he was my friend first"

"Does he also sell drugs-"

"Seungmin. I already told you, this isn't a work place, you're acting like it's an interrogation room" he turned to face him, looking for any type of weakness in his eyes, he had to have one, behind his perfectly combed hair, seungmin had to have a flaw. He searched and looked into his eyes but could only see himself in them, his reflection.

Because they may not realize it but...

That was his flaw.

Hyunjin was his weakness.

And he could not hide it for much longer.


"Are we out of milk?" Jisung asked, grabbing two different containers to compare their price.

"No, we've got some downstairs..." Minho said as he picked out a few things. They walked in a bunch of isles, putting stuff in the car as it went on. Jisung then froze in front of a particular section, looking up at the hundreds of possibilities. He's never had this thing before, he's always wanted one, wondering if it truly made you feel better.

"Want a stuffed animal?" Minho sneaked up behind him, making the younger one flinch.

"I-I no....I was just looking" his heart ached as he walked away, not even able to the Minho about his feelings.

"Idiot..." Jisung mumbled to himself, continuing to push the cart.

"Jisung, come here" he reached his hand out, pulling him closer to him.

"If you were a kid, which one would you get?" He asked, looking at all the different variety of plushies, some soft, some big and some strange ones.

"Minho I'm not a kid...why don't we just keep shopping-"

"Tell's for a friend of mine, Christmas is just around the corner..." he couldn't help but smile when he saw Jisung analyse every single one of them, looking for the best possible outcome.

"Too squishy..." he passed his hand in a few.

"Too big..." He travelled across the section with a purpose, trying to find the perfect one.

"Too small..."

"Too..." he stopped at a certain one, caressing its soft exterior.

"Perfect..." he grabbed a hold of it, showing Minho. It was a white tiger, the softest of all of them and the prettiest.

"This one?"

"Yeah, Im sure their kid will like it...a lot" Minho nodded at his reply, not trying to shove it in even more. They continue until they reached the frozen section and took a couple of more things before going to pay.

Once they arrived home, Jisung walked tiredly towards the couch after spotting Felix there.

He sat down next to him, but soon enough went into his arms to find some sort of warmth. Felix opened his arms and took him onto his chest, now both of them watching the movie that was playing.

On the other side was Minho and Chan unpacking the groceries, the younger blushing when he thought back to last night, the kiss they shared. The problem wasn't that it was Chan, it could have been a complete stranger for all he cared. It was the fact that he saw his so weak under him, he didn't like that anyone outside of Jisung knew that.

"About last night..."

"What about it?" Chan placed the last item in the fridge.

"Well...i was really drunk and that's why I...well I eh..."

"Do you regret anything?"

"No, I really don't but please don't tell anyone about me being...under"

Chan's eyebrows lifted when he understood what he was talking about, it hadn't even fazed him, not even one bit.

"Oh sure, but it's nothing to be embarrassed of"

"I know I know's just very new for me"

"I get it, I won't tell a soul" chan walked to go cuddle Felix but saw that he was already quite busy with Jisung.

"I see you've stolen my boyfriend" Chan gave a playful smirk to Jisung, Felix just continued to watch the TV.

"Yeah he's comfortable" he snuggled closer to him.

Minho also walked up to them, crossing his arms as he saw the two younger ones fighting to stay awake.

He went to get a soft blanket and putting it on both of them, making sure they were both comfortable before pulling away from them, looking at their cute faces.

"For a mafia leader, you sure are sweet" chan chuckled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh don't push it" Minho couldn't keep
his eyes off the two of them. His little brother, he hasn't changed one bit compared to the boy next to him.

"Chan i need your help with something" he took a more serious tone.

"Of course, what do you need?"

"I need you to accidentally find some evidence that the blood diamond is doing something soon..." he handed him a piece of paper.

"Something big is coming...isn't it?"

"It certainly is..."

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