Chapter 27

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Hyunjin came back pretty late at night, they had played a bunch of board games all together, just having a fun night.

He unlocked his door, already getting an uneasy feeling around his body. He confirmed their was something wrong when he saw that a bunch of his documents had been moved, like if they had been looked at. He walked slowly in his house, grabbing one of the guns he was hiding under a table, keeping his steps quiet.

His bedroom door was opened, but he distinctively remembered closing it before leaving. He slowly walked towards it, aiming the gun high, his eyes waiting to spot something.

He lowered it as soon as a smell came up to his nose, making him scoff.

"You know, If you're going to try and sneak in, at least try and be subtle about it" he threw his bag on the bed, taking his coat off.

"Seungmin I know you're here!" He yelled, looking around.

The younger boy then sighed, getting up from under the bed, ashamed of getting caught.

"Now, care to explain? Or should I call the rest of the pigs to escort you out for breaking into my property?"

"I don't have any excuse..." he lowered his head, tears covering his vision, one rolling down his cheek as he tried to hold it in.

"I broke in trying to find something, anything! I thought maybe if I could arrest you then they could finally have a bit of respect for me...but I was w-wrong and I'm sorry" he finished and lifted his head to meet Hyunjin's empathetic eyes.

" did you get in?"

"When I left here this morning I unlocked one of the windows...sorry again" he felt played, but he couldn't even be mad. It was what he was supposed to do after all, yet he didn't want it to be this way.

"Smart....and what were you doing in my room? The truth"

"I was searching for your poetry book..."

"You were...?" He was hoping he was saying the truth, praying that he was honest.

"Yeah...could you read me some? I-I mean, I should just get out right now I'm terribly sorry" he was about to head out when Hyunjin grabbed his hand.

"I will only if you promise not to tell anyone"

Seungmin had a small smile curve on his lips, his eyes sparkling at the thought of it.

"Promise" Hyunjin walked to one of his desks, opening a secret container. In there, was a book, it looked small and well treated.

He went to sit on the bed, seungmin following him, not quite sure if he should or not, but he did it anyway.

"I'm nervous..." Hyunjin froze up making seungmin chuckle.

"I won't judge you, I love poetry" He nodded in response, opening up one of his pages.

"Love, love love,
I have hung our cave with roses
With soft rugs
The last of a velvet fragrance
Let the stars
Plummet to their dark address"

Seungmin couldn't even lie, he was turned on, his whole body wanting to crash against his. Never had he ever felt like this before. But he couldn't resist him. This angel from hell, the perfect prince lurking in the shadows.

"Let the mercuric
Atoms that cripple drip-" the younger couldn't take it anymore, so he grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a heated kiss, moaning at their first contact. His hot breath on his lips felt amazing. This was right. It felt right. For a while now both of them had put down their feelings for each other, all crashing down now.

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