Chapter 20

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Jisung and Felix had been baking together now, the blond one showing him all the basic steps, Jisung learning quickly.

"See it wasn't so hard, now we just put this in the oven and wait" he gave his best smile, the apprentice nodding slowly, thanking him.

"How long?"

"About thirty minutes, you can go see Minho for the time being" he nodded and left to find him in their house. He went door to door until he heard a sort of buzzing sound, he then opened it and saw Minho tattooing himself on his thigh, looking up smiling.

"Hey love, what're you up to?" He continued his work, dipping the needle pen in the ink.

"Me and Felix finished baking...what are you drawing?" He walked up to him, looking at his leg, gasping at how good it was. It was a snake swapped around a bunny, but it was so well detailed that it completely blew the younger away.

"You like it?"

"It's amazing..." he sat down next to him.

"Does it hurt?" He's always wondered what it felt like to have a tattoo, but was way too scared of the commitment it involved.

"Yeah but I got used to it, it's not as bad anymore. Do you want one?" He teased, looking up to meet his eyes and he simply nodded, shocking the older.

"Wait really??!" He put the needle gun down.

"Well not now but maybe one day I'd like to...I just don't know what I'd get...or where"

"Get one on the inside of your lip that sais 'bite me'" Minho chuckled, Jisung just nodding slowly, taking it seriously.

"Would you like me more if I got it...?" He lowered his head, it had become like this. Minho went from being the person he hated most to the person he...liked...a lot. So his opinion mattered a lot as well.

"Id like you even if you had 'penis' written on your forehead, don't worry too much" he kissed his forehead and continued to tattoo himself, focusing on what he was doing.

Jisung laid his head on his shoulder, snuggling as close as he could without moving too much.

"How many tattoos do you have?"

"About 40, here, look" he took his shirt off, jisung spreading his hands across his chest, just how he loved to do.

He then left a small peck on each one of them, starting on his arms then on his chest, distracting Minho completely.

"You've been really affectionate lately..." jisung stopped, looking up at him.

"I guess...why?"

"Well I've known you for a while now and...I was just wondering if love me?"

Jisung froze, he never even thought about it, it was a word he never really wanted to use. Because love brought pain and he already had enough of that on his shoulders.

"I'm not sure Minho, I know you want me to say it but...I'm not ready yet" he got up from the bed, Minho looking up at him kind of sad, but nodded understanding.

"That's okay, I won't force you" they took each other's hand, jisung slowly walking away, exiting the room. The older sighed, finished up his tattoo, his head completely elsewhere.

"One step forward...three steps back" he laid his back on the bed, sighing.


A young boy walked inside the police station, looking around for someone. Chan caught on and walked up to him.

"Hey, can I help you?" He asked and the younger looked to him, nodding.

"I'm here to see Jisung, I've got some files for him for the blood diamond case, I'm seungmin by the way" he gave a small smile, Chan giving one back.

"I can take it out of your hands, I'll hand it to him as soon as I can" the younger gladly gave it, both bowing before he left him there, file in hand.

Chan wasn't the type to be in other people's business, but a name caught his eye on the paper in his hands. He tried to ignore it but cracked and read through it, his eyes widening.

"Lee Felix..." he was trying to tell himself it was a coincidence, shaking his head. Their was no way his brother was Lee Minho...right?

He put it on Jisung's desk, sitting at his own, glancing back and forth none stop, it couldn't be, it wasn't him. It was another guy with the exact same name...hopefully.

Screw it.

Chan picked up his phone and dialled his boyfriend's number, bitting down on his lip nervously.

"Hey Lix eh...we need to talk, when are you free?"

"Ok, ill be on my way..."


"WHAT IF HES GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME??!" Felix cried on Jisung's lap, completely unreasonable.

"Felix...he's not going to break up with you, he loves you more then anything" Jisung patted his head, making sure to rub his back as well.


"He loves you, I see it in his eyes when he looks at you. He doesn't look at anyone else like that, don't even think one second that he'll leave you...he would give up everything he had for you, because that's what it's like to...when you love someone. You sacrifice it all...just for them. And you're that person for him"

Felix quieted down his sobs, nodding with glassy eyes.

"You're right..." he heard the door bell ring, sniffing his nose one last time before heading towards the door, Jisung smiling at him softly.

Felix took a big breath in before opening the door, revealing Chan who looked troubled. He came into the house, taking off his shoes.

"Have you been crying baby?" He noticed his teary eyes and red nose, the younger nodding a bit.

"Y-you made me nervous were going to end thing with me a-and I pani-" chan pulled him into a kiss, the other completely falling into it, their bodies clashing together.

He pulled away, their breaths still intertwining together in the air.

"It's not about that don't worry...but their is something I want to know. The truth."

Felix nodded, waiting for the worst to come.

And it would.

"Why did you lie about your name, and what is your real brother's name? I looked everywhere in the database and I can't find either a Lee Nathan or a Lee tell me. I need to know I'm not going mad" he took Felix's hand and put it on his cheek, looking deep into his eyes.

The younger was speechless, how could he even begin to answer that. He wasn't a bad liar, but he hated not being honest, and the fact he had to hide such an important part of his life to his lover hurt him.

"Are you sure? Maybe you just typed it wron-"

"The truth Felix..."

The room went silent again, Minho listening from behind Chan, waiting.

" name is truly Lee Felix and my brother...he...his name is..." he paused, Chan searching for answers in his eyes.

"Lee Minho" he gave up, looking up to see Chans eyes. He was about to back away, terrified at the realization, but something knocked him out.

Minho had hit him over the head with a pole, Chan falling unconscious on the floor.

Felix was breathing loudly, tears in his eyes once again, looking at his brother.

"I didn't want to have to do this Lix..."

"But you left me no choice"

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