Chapter 55

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Jisung felt his entire body combust into pure stress. Chan didn't even glance at him, he was also taking in the information.

They stood there for a while and everyone threw their questions at the captain, but he mainly stayed silent.

"Jisung. Rooftop. Now" chan said and Jisung nodded, following him.

They rushed there and closed the door, the younger one having so many questions in mind. They looked at each other finally and didn't know how to start.

"How...could he possibly be back?"

"Captain said it happened yesterday night..."

"So it can't possibly be Minho, I was with him that whole night."

Silence fell upon them again, they were just so confused and needed answers.

"So...either their is someone out there trying to pass as him...or he lied." Either one was frightening to them, so they felt even more anxious then before.

"Hyunjin lives much farther away now and Felix isn't part of" Chan looked ahead.

"Minho's not up to this. I won't believe it for a second." jisung said quickly and eased up a bit, closing his eyes as the breeze of the wind made his hair flicker.

"Someone is setting him up."


Jisung barged into his captain's office and closed the door behind him. He saw his eyes trail to him and stop, a sign escaping his lips.

"Jisung, I already know what you will ask of me and I refuse-"

"Assign me to the case again. All you've given me since I came back are small reports or press interviews. I can do this."

"No. It is too personal for you to go there all over again, I will never forget your state when you came back...jisung you are my best detective, their is no need to prove yourself to me. To anyone."

"It's not for fame or success. I just want to take him down. It's not right for it to be anyone else then me." He said sternly and his superior officer signed deeply before sitting down and rubbing his brows.

"I can't have you take that risk."

"I cant let him get away again."

He could see how he much wanted this, how he craved to be on a case again, a real one. Whoever this fake blood diamond was, he would bring him down.

"I...let's sleep on it. I will give you an answer during the week. Do not do anything reckless"

"Thank you sir, I won't." He walked out and took his phone out of his pocket quickly when he heard it vibrate.

He looked at Chan and walked to him, picking up the phone.


He couldn't make out what the sound was until he heard a single sob, a broken one.

"Jisung..." it was Yeji's voice. Cracking and quiet.

"Yeji...what's wrong?" Chan picked up his tone and looked at him.

"I-I'm so sorry" she cried out. "I tried not to tell them b-but" she sounded like she had been crying for a long time.

"What happened? Yeji tell me who hurt you."

"T-two men came here looking for you...I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to tell them but they pulled out a gun a-and said they'd hurt you" she spoke and Jisung felt his whole body freeze.

"I'm on my way. Are you home?"

"Yes" she managed to say and Jisung took Chan by the arm.

"Yeji's in trouble and I have a bad feeling it's related to all of this..."

"Shit...Should we tell...him?" He whispered, getting his coat on.

"I'll call him later, right now we need to get to her."


They ran through the door that was clearly broken, like if someone had barged in. Chan ran in first and called for her, going to every room and turning every corner.

Jisung went to the bedroom and found Yeji in the very back of it, a tissu in her hand and tears flooding her clothes.

"Yeji..." he approached her calmly and she threw herself at him, hiding in his chest. He didn't dare to move. He played right her hair and rubbed her back, he had forgotten how soft it was.

"Im so sorry I wasn't there..."

"I thought they'd k-kill me if I didn't tell them" she sobbed.

"You'll be put in protective custody okay? Nobody's going to hurt you."

Chan walked in the room and ran to his friends on the floor quickly.

"Who the hell did this?" Chan said, looking around at the room that was completely disorganized.

"Two men came knocking searching for you. I-I told them you were probably with a friend, but they kept asking for his name...."

Jisung clenched his jaw and widened his eyes. She then broke down even more and not a word could come out of her mouth.

"I'll call Minho and Felix. It's not safe here" Chan spoke and flipped his phone out.

"Good idea...just breath for me..."

He kissed her hair and closed his eyes shut.

Why did it have to come to this...?


Felix tapped his foot and turned around in circles in the kitchen, bitting his nails off.

"This is so messed up." He said and chan watched him patiently, waiting for him to calm down.

"Felix will you come here for one second?"

The blond one turned his head and sighed, walking over to Chan and hugging him.

"Sorry...I'm just really nervous"

"I know, I am too. I thought I was finally over but I guess...we have one more thing to do before we can settle down, for good this time."

Felix nodded and pulled away slightly.

"You don't have to do this you know..." chan added.

"I do. He's my brother. I owe him this much for all he's done for me." Felix took Chan's hand and led him out of the kitchen and into the living room where the rest were.

Yeji was on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, Jisung had her hand in his and didn't leave her side. Hyunjin and seungmin had just arrived and were seated close together, they still didn't know what all of this was about.

A knock was heard at the door and Chan put a hand on his gun, walking slowly towards it.

Everyone there narrowed their eyes towards the door and held their breaths.

Chan turned the handle and slowly revealed the silhouettes behind it. They all signed and Minho stepped in, Ryujin right behind him.

The door was shut once again and locked.

Minho looked around confused, but a slight part of him knew what this was about.

"Jisung..." Yeji said with a low voice, everyone looked at her. "What is this really all about? Why were those men looking for you..?"

Jisung inhaled slowly and then looked at Minho.

"Everyone should take a seat...I think I owe you an explanation"

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