Chapter 49

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A/n: another 2 am chapter...?


Also y'all are not ready for the rest of this story, it is wild omg good f***ing luck.


Their eyes started to slowly open, yet neither of them moved. It felt good where they were, comforting.

Minho was still close to him, resisting his huge urge to kiss him, anywhere as a matter of fact. He missed the sweet taste that lingered on his lips when they used to kiss, the effect it would have on him.

He caught himself trying to imagine things he couldn't have, so hes stopped and tried to get up, but a hand drew him back.

"Why can't I stay for a bit longer...?" A tired sounding voice spoke to him, making the older look at him. Jisung sounded so seductive like this, he had forgotten that voice he had in the morning, it used to always get him.

"You know you can't...anyway, we packed all the stuff, the movers should be here soon, you can go now" Minho spoke calmly, walking away to make sure all the boxes were in place.

"I was thinking we could talk over dinner...? Just the two of us-"

"Jisung. I dont need a conversation. I need one answer, thats it. If you want to continue what we had. I'm giving you one chance. If you want to continue and pretend like everything is fine, go ahead without me, I want no part of it..did I make myself clear?" Jisung nodded calmly, looking up at Minho who looked quite irritated.

"How much time are you giving me...?" Jisung asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I dont care Ji. this isn't calculated like you want it to be, this is real. unpredictable. But listen.." he went closer to him again, grabbing his chin in one his his hands.

"Youre the one I want. if I'm not that person for you then leave right now. because their is no way I'll be here just when you need me, pretending like I dont have feelings I've spent a year to try and get over" he then pulled him into a hug again, once they split, they were so close that their nose touched. They could feel themselves wanting this. wanting to be touched by each other. Their eyes were closing, their breaths were connecting together, as impatient as them to be closer.

They were leaning in when they heard a knock on the door, making both of them take a distance, coughing. Minho went to open the door for the moving team to come in and take all of the boxes.

"I should really get going now" jisung spoke quickly and grabbed all of his stuff. putting them in his bag.

" should"

"Before I go" Jisung jumped in Minho arms, hugging him.

"In case we don't speak again...I think you need a hug" Minho held him even though he didnt want to, his poor heart cracking every second because he knew it wouldn't last long.

"I really hope I get my answer then...but take your time. I dont want you to regret anything" Minho brushed both of his cheeks with his thumbs, kissing his forehead. It was like nothing in them changed, it was their reality that did. Jisung was leaning in again, but Minho pushed him slowly, a tear falling from his eye.

"We cant..- cant..."

jisung nodded at his response, taking his bag with him.

"Well then goodbye Minho..." both their heads were hung low, tear there but holding themselves.

"Goodbye Jisung..." and with that he left. not looking back, because he knew if he did, he couldn't walk away anymore. Once that door between them was closed, they both fell on their knees. crying their eyes out.

Why did it have to be so complicated?


"Who got you so fucked up?" Ryujin said as she came into his house, seing him still crying his eyes out. It was a few hours after Jisung had left, but he still hasn't moved. When he didn't answer she came to him, whipping the tears away.

"How'd you get in?" He asked, voice aching in pain.

"Through a window"

he looked at her in disbelief but she just shrugged.

"What? I was concerned...your mental health is scaring me Min" she helped him up, taking him by the shoulders because his knees were too weak to stand up on their own. She laid him on his bed, sitting next to him, playing with his hair.

"Now get some rest. you need it" she was about to get up but Minho pulled her with him, snuggling close to his friend. She didn't dare move, she knew why he had done that.

"I cant be alone right now..."

"Ok...ok ill stay, just get some sleep"


Jisung got home and Yeji got an uneasy feeling. His head was dipping itself forward, like if he was ashamed of what he felt. "Are you okay love...?" She walked towards him, but he felt dirty for taking her love like this and giving nothing back.

Without a word, he took her hand and sat both of them down on the couch. thats when she noticed all the tears that had stained his pretty cheeks.

"Yeji...I don't know what to do" he put his
head on her shoulder, only making him shed more tears.

"Its about Minho..isn't it...?" The silence answered her guestion, so she simply nodded.

"What do you want angel?" She asked calmly, lifting his chin up.

"I don't know what I want, if I knew I wouldn't be here, crying my eyes out in front of you....Yeji. I've never met anyone like you, youre perfect in every single way I can think of, so why is it even a choice to stay? Why?"

"Because you don't chose who you love Jisung"she put a hand on his cheek, her own eyes watery.

"I dont want to love, is that so much to ask for? I would have been fine dying alone if it meant that everyone around me would be happy...and you deserve the world" Jisung said.

"I see the way you looked at him when you danced....if you truly want me to be happy. I think its best to let me go right now.." she gave him a smile even though she was dying inside.

"I know two have history that I cant even think of, but you also deserve to be happy, and I cant be the one to do that for you so...go to him" she finally bursted out in tears, now both crying. They held each other, their sadness and misery combined into one as they let all of their sorrows out in the air.

"I know youll be able to tell him you love him..."

"Why are you encouraging this, aren't you supposed to hate me? Thats what they do in movie..."

"Well this movie is different Ji, the princess lets her favorite little prince go to be happy, because he, wether hell admit it or not, has fallen for the fire dragon....and thats ok"

"I'm sorry I cant be the one you want me to be Yeji" they finally pulled out, looking at each other.

"And I'm sorry I'm not a guy" she chuckled, whipping her tears away.


"Oh come on, admit it, you only like guys!" She pushed him teasingly.

"...don't know what you mean" jisung looked away, embarrassing that she saw right through him, she always did.

"Jisung...nobody looks at Leonardo decaprio in the Titanic like you do..."

"So what?! He's a fine man!" they both chuckled, still able to smile even if the situation was troubling.

"So youre not mad?" He continued.

"No...I could never be...I love you, so of course I'm sad to let you go but, how could I ever hate you?" They hugged one last time.

"I know its a lot to ask but... Could we stay friends?"

"Of course, but promise me youll find someone to make you happy?" Yeji said, patting his back.

"Only if you do"

"Deal." They both smiled and looked outside at the stars shining above them, wondering what the universe had in store for them, all of them.

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