Chapter 28

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"Who's he?" One of the girls squealed amongst her friends, even the man were starting a bit too much. Minho stood there with a cap and a pair of reading glasses, putting on his best smile. He was handsome, nobody could deny it.  From his strong cheekbones to his perfectly built body, it was flawless.

"I heard he's here with Jisung"

"Oh really?" Rumours were speculating around the office, faster then ever.

Jisung sighed as he walked past them, holding two hot chocolate. He brought them to him, making everyone whisper again, he hated it, he hated being there but he wanted all the extra points he could get.

"You look stressed..." Minho took the warm drink in his hands, blowing on it. Jisung simply looked around them, annoyed at his coworkers.

They were all here with their boyfriends or girlfriends, every single one of them staring him down and then looking at Minho like he was a god.

"I hate them, bet one of them is fighting to get your number..."

"Then why don't we make it clear who I belong to?" Jisung looked at him confused before Minho pulled him so their lips would touch. Everyone was shocked to say the least, they could even hear gasps. He bit down on his lip before moving back a bit, looking deep into his eyes as Jisung was still processing what had just happened. He didn't mind that people knew he liked guys, not since Minho made him feel so opened about it.

"Thanks" Jisung smiled brightly, his shoulders relaxing significantly.

"Look at that pretty smile" Minho tossed one of  his hair strands falling on his face.

"Is Jisung actually smiling...?" No one in their office had ever seen him smile before, he was always plunged in his books or cases, too busy to socialize.

"He looks good when he does..." a girl said getting a death stare by her boyfriend.

All their attention was brought to the door, two more people running in. It looked like they had been running for a while now.

"Sorry we're late" seungmin walked in, bowing to his captain.

"It's alright, who's this?"

"This is Hyunjin, my guest for today" the taller man waved at everyone, then half froze when he saw Minho and Jisung staring at them, holding in their emotions. They had scarves but they could still see piles of hickeys, they couldn't even count how many their were.

Minho then walked to Hyunjin and gave him a hug, the taller suprised that he wasn't mad for this.

"Congratulations on getting laid" he whispered, making Hyunjin and seungmin flush red. The attention was now on these four gorgeous men, looking like they knew each other pretty well.

Jisung walked up to Seungmin and greeted him, giving a hug to Hyunjin as well. The youngest didn't bother and ask how they knew each other, it didn't matter anymore to him.

They were chatting normally, going to sit down on one of the tables as everyone started to eat. Minho was sitting quite close to Jisung, always pulling on his chair to make their bodies closer. He would snuggle his nose on his shoulder, holding his waist, making him giggle. Everytime he did, he would get small glances, nobody used to seeing him like this.

"Are you two dating?" Seungmin asked quietly.

"Oh eh I don't kn-"

"We are" Minho didn't even hesitate before kissing his cheek, holding his hand in his.

Jisung knew it was for the cover but...he couldn't help but blush a bit, holding his hand to his chest as he imagined them being official.

Everyone noticed his smiles and his laugh when he was around him, wondering how he had even changed this cold boy they all knew. One thing was sure, it wasn't the same Jisung they had met, not even close to it.

At least an hour had passed and they were stuffed with food, and everyone had payed their bills.

They walked out into the colder air around them, making sure to put their jackets all the way up.

"Could I take you somewhere? Just you and me? Their is something I want to tell you" Minho asked, looking into Jisung's eyes.

"Sure, I'll just go and say bye to my captain and Hyunjin, I'll be right back" he skipped along to the rest of them going to their car, making sure to say goodbye to everyone. The older male stood there, watching him smiling and enjoying his night. He wished they could just stay like this forever, not a care in the world about their jobs.

Once the younger was done, he ran to Minho and jumped in his arms, so exited that the day went better then expected.

"Had a nice evening princess?"

"Yes! Thank you so much" he snuggled his head into the crook of Minho's neck, enjoying the warm feeling it brought him.

"It's not a pro-" Jisung kissed him, their lips moving in sync like they always did. It felt amazing, just the two of them in an empty street, making out like two teens, hiding from the rest of the world.

"What did you want to tell me anyway?"

"Come with me..." he took him by the hand and they walked for a while, enjoying the night while they could, finally reaching a bridge.

They watched the water stick against the cold bricks or the bridge, as it held them both.

"So...I think it's safe to say that we've come a long way together"

"We have..."

"And I wouldn't want to spend another minute together, not knowing what we are. So let me tell you this. I've never felt like this before, this amazing feeling I get when I'm with you, i didn't know how much I needed it until I...until I met you. It's blossoming in me and I can't help but want you even more, so let's me tell you this..."

He took Jisung's hands, looking into his eyes.

"I don't think we have I want this to be officially, us to be one"

"Did you just ask me to be your boyfriend?" Jisung asked with teary eyes.

"Yeah, so what do you say?"

"Minho I've never wanted anything more in my life" he jumped in his arms once again, trying his best not to cry but tears flooded his eyes.

"Are you crying baby?"

"You're not helping!" He whipped all of his tears away, Minho helping him, chuckling to himself.

They stayed there for a while before Minho looked at Jisung's lips. The whole world stopped around them and in that moment, nothing else mattered. The emptiness they've felt all their lives, it fall filled up with joy and happiness.

"Where were you all my life?" Their lips crashed together and this amazing feeling spread all over their bodies, like a wildfire who couldn't be stopped.

"You know what?" Jisung asked, still a bit of water covering his vision.


"It doesn't matter if we can't use the L word"

"Lesbian?" Jisung hit his shoulder.

"No! Love, it doesn't matter. A simple word doesn't mean anything, what counts is that we'll stay by each other's side..."

"Sounds good to me, Jisung I'm in lesbians with you"

"Not what I meant Min" jisung laughed and we could hear their chuckles echoing on the sides of the rocks.

"Then I'm in litchi with you"

"Minho I swear to-"

"I'm in lactose with y-"

He shut him up by kissing him.

This felt right.

It was right.

And nobody could come between that.

Not the gods.

No human.

But the devil could. And it would not hesitate to strike.

Any days.

Any hour.

Any minute.

It would come.

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