Chapter 25

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Chan wrapped his arm around Felix even tighter, making both of them completely emerged in each other's warmth. The nightmares had completely gone away since Chan came back, and Felix couldn't be more grateful.

They stayed like this for a while before the younger moved a bit, just to be able to look at Chan's resting face.

"Hey" Felix kissed his nose, making the older melt completely.

"Hey" he gave him a small smile.

"Did you and Minho fix things?" He asked, hoping that they could still get along to the bare minimum. It still felt strange for Chan to call him Minho now, but he would have to deal with it.

"Yeah don't worry...I love you so much Lix"

"I love you more"


"I HATE YOU MORE" Jisung threw a pillow towards Minho, but he managed to dodge it just in time, still having that smirk on his lips.

"Come here!" Minho chased after him, the younger chuckling all the way, finally being caught and thrown on the bed. He tackled him and started to tickle the sides of his stomach, making him tear up, still laughing.

"Stop stop! Have mercy on me!"

"You started this!"

"Please Minho!" He couldn't take it anymore, so much so that he rolled off the bed, falling on his ass. He winced in pain as he tried to get up, Minho helping him with a hand. They both got on the bed and looked at each other in wonder, how had it come to this? For some time now they've known each other, but it felt like it had been longer, like another life time.

"What do you think brought us together?" Jisung asked looking outside the window.

"I don't know..." he took his hands in his own, still holding eye contact.

"Was It faith? Maybe even our destiny to be against each other? What if I ends badly? What then...?"

"We can't know what the future holds...why don't we just appreciate what we have right no-"

"I can't lose you...Minho. I can't" he said firmly, drawing him into a hug, the older returning it quickly.

"You won't, no one knows we're here, we're safe" he passed a hand softly through his hair. Their bodies always felt like they were one together, a strange feeling they've never felt before.

They knew what it was, but neither would admit it for now, they didn't want to get hurt.

"My stomach feels all weird..." the younger spoke, mumbling his words in the others shirt.

"Are you sick? I can get you some medicine-"

"'s like a feeling, a really strong one, makes my heart beat faster and my whole body wants to touch every single part of you. Do you feel the same way?"

" make me feel incredible. Every single time you smile, something in me just lights up and tells me that...well...I really like you Ji"

"Then do you...lov-"

"Minho we've got a visitor!" Felix yelled, knocking them out of their moment. They got up slowly, heading towards the bedroom door, confused.

They calmed down when they saw Hyunjin standing in the doorway, he would often come to the house so this was nothing new.

The greeted him and started to chat, Minho getting a strange feeling, he didn't know what it was but he knew it would be trouble. His attention was brought to the front door when a knock was heard, they all froze. They had agreed with a specific knock, so that they would know who came, but this person was not one of them...

Jisung got up first, walking towards the door. He opened it slowly and tried not to react as he saw who was standing there.




.one hour prior.

" you still hate me?" Hyunjin asked with his eyebrows lifted, starting the car.

"Yes, I'm grateful, but it's still my job to hate you"

"I Disagree, your job is to put me in prison, not to hate me" he smiled when he saw Seungmin fuming.

"You always act so smart..." he mumbled, putting his seatbelt on.

"Cause I am, so are you, it's sad it's being wasted on your job of putting tickets on people cars..." he would usually compliment people to get what he wanted, but with the younger, he knew he needed to hear this, he was better then the rest of them. At least that's what it was in Hyunjin's eyes.

"I'm happy with my job" he didn't even sound convinced in his own sentence, looking out the window as he sighed.

A few minutes passed before the older one started another conversation.

"Ok so tell me this, what's your goal in life? Is it only to arrest me?"

"No...I'd like a family...maybe even more then one kid, living on the country side where no one can bother That's what I want..." Seungmin frowned his eyebrows as he saw they were approaching his house.

"See, don't sacrifice your whole life for you to end up sad in the end. We do our jobs to get money, yes, but it has to have a value outside of that, or you'll end up all alone..." getting a moral by a criminal early in the morning was not on Seungmin's list, but he needed to hear it, to listen.

"Why do you have to be so wise..."

"Cause when you start with nothing, you learn to enjoy the little things around you..." Hyunjin stopped the car, looking over at the younger one, waiting for a response.

"Is that why you sell drugs? And use them?"

"I've never taken a single dose, when I get overwhelmed I just write poetry, it helps" Seungmin couldn't even lie, he was turned on.

"Could I read it sometime...?"

"Oh so you want to see me again?" Hyunjin smirked as Seungmin slowly got out of the car.


"In a police station with a handcuff around your hands" he gave a sarcastic smile, the older returning it.

"Kinky..." he blurred out, the shorter one blushing, completely panicking internally.

"I didn't- y-ou- urg" he slammed the door and walked inside his appartement building, making Hyunjin chuckle.

He planned on going to visit Minho and Felix, he's learned that Chan knew everything now, which could be very dangerous to him and his life, so he wanted to have a chat.

But what he didn't plan, was that seungmin had put a tracker in his car, and was following it as he left the premise. Once Hyunjin arrived and didn't move for a few minutes, seungmin took his own car and sped all the way to this unknown locations. He was expecting a random street or maybe a shady apartment, but he handed up at a really nice place he's never seen before. Confused, he walked up to the front door, knocking on it. Surely he could find some form of evidence if he caught him.

All he had to do was arrest him after, that's it, it end right here, right now. As much as he didn't want to, he had to.

What he didn't expect was Jisung answering the door, making him think he was in a dream.

They looked at each other for a while, both in pure confusion.


"Seungmin...?" Hyunjin popped up behind Jisung, just as confused, the rest of them still in the living room.

Well he couldn't arrest them now.

"What are you doing here?" Seungmin asked again, his eyes a bit wider.

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