Chapter 46

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Felix walked down the isle with his beautiful white dress on. Chan couldn't even believe it. He was beautiful in every single way possible, bringing tears to his eyes without even noticing. All the eyes were on the younger one, himself being an emotional wreck as he saw Chan's eyes.

Jisung then set his eyes on the man helping him walk up the echoing hall. His eyes couldn't even budge from Minho. He looked so good, his hair dark and nicely pushed back, showing off his chocolate brown eyes even more. Everything about him was beautiful and he couldn't even believe he had gone a full year without setting his eyes on a view as beautiful as that.

Minho was trying to focus on not tripping on the dress and look at Jisung at the same time. He looked so much older now, but his eyes weren't like they used to. He had managed to melt his ice and now it was like an iceberg was surrounding him. It didn't take away from his beauty though, he still took his breath away without even trying.

They finally made it to the front, Felix and Chan facing each other, holding each other's hands as the ceremony began.

Minho and Jisung couldn't even look elsewhere, they were fixating on each other. Even Felix saw the way his brother looked at the younger one, he had a desperate look, like if he would want nothing more then to hug him and hold Jisung close to his heart.

The younger felt the same, he had these urges that he was pushing down deeply. that he couldn't have. He wanted to pull him close, do ungodly things to him, but he couldn't. They were standing relatively close to each other, but it felt like their breaths were on each other's lips again, the taste of the other still lingering on their tongues.

They looked away when they both started saying their vows, glancing a each other a couple of times still.

Yeji had noticed the way Jisung looked at Minho, she could tell he was melting bit by bit. She couldn't help but be happy for him, he was her everything, but god did it hurt to see him look at someone else like that.

They now both had finished speaking. tears in their eyes. The man in charge of the ceremony said a few more words before asking the big question everyone had been waiting for.

"Lee Felix, will you take Christopher Bangchan to be your husband?"

"I do" he replied without hesitation.

"And will you Christopher bangchan take Lee Felix to be your husband?"

"I do" he let a tear fall down his eyes, he was too happy to even try and contain it.

"You may kiss" Felix jumped in Chan's arms and kissed him, the older returning the kiss gently. After a few seconds they pulled out.

"Let the party begin!" They yelled.


"Mom would be so proud of you." Minho blurred out to his brother, who smiled at him widely. "You think so?"

Minho nodded in reply, sipping a bit from the champagne they just popped opened. His eyes then landed on Jisung on the dance floor, not really knowing how to move his body. They made eye contact again and he blushed, completely embarrassed, making Minho smile. Felix noticed this and smirked, taking his hand.

"Lets go dance!" He took him and the older almost tripped and landed face first on the floor but he managed to stabilize himself.

He started to dance and Felixs smile brought him so much joy. He kept glancing at Jisung of course, but he still had so much trouble dancing that it was hilarious to him. Chan then joined the younger one, now meeting his husbands eyes, both of them nodding in agreement.

"Minho I love you" Felix said out of nowhere with a devilish smile on his face.

"I love you t-"

"Please forgive me then" he chuckled as both Jisung and him were pushed in the same direction, making both of their chest hit. their lips almost touching

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