Chapter 51

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Minho sat at his couch watching the clock in his living room tik over and over again. The sun was slowly going down and becoming harder to see from the window he was from.

Slowly but surely he was starting to believe that he would never show up. That he would be left alone here, forever, waiting for his lover to come back home.

He pressed his arms against the window and watched every passing car drive by his house, every family or couple walking hand in hand. As he watched, his hands grew colder, like stone in the morning after a cold night.

Droplets of water fell from the sky, accompanying the water that fell down Minho's cheeks. Soon the small rain fell heavily on his roof, clouds blinding his view and mind.

He could have been waiting for one minute or three hours, it didn't matter, all he wanted was to see...


So he sat and waited.

While the clock ran out of numbers and the sky ran out of it's colours.

He reached for his lighter and flipped it around his fingers, he hasn't done that in a long time, but now that he had a new one, he could once more. He watched the flamme ignite and disappear in the blink of the eye, just like they had been.

After a while he sat up from the window and scoffed.

"I should have known better..." he cursed under his breath and his gaze left the window for a short second.

"Minho!" He heard being called, his blood freezing in his veins.

He turned quickly, eyes filled to the brim with hope.


Panting and drenched to his bones, jisung stood in front of his house, crying with the rain.

Rain was still pouring down onto their skulls and heavy breaths were fuming in the air around them.

"You came..." Minho cried out and rested his head on the window frame, grateful.

"I did...Minho i don't know how to tell you this...I-I didn't plan anything-"

"It's okay..." the older one gave a weak smile and saw Jisung's get less tense. "Take your time..."

Jisung nodded and took a shaky breath.

"I feel like it's only once I was far away from you that I realized how much I needed you in my life...all the things you've taught me, all the night we spent together even if we knew that the next day we'd have to be ennemies again...I don't care hear me? I don't care anymore!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I took an oath and I always keep my promises, especially since it was the job I worked my entire life for...but" he exhaled slowly. "I don't care. What's the point in working a case if I can't rent about it to you? What's the point in even breathing if it's not against your lips....I missed you, I know we fought, I know we hurt each other...but I think we can give it another shot if you're willing to let me in again."

Minho's hand gripped the edge of the window and his fingers curled onto the wood.

"So Lee enemy, my lover...I-..." he paused for a second, smiling like he never had before.

"I love you!!" He screamed out, looking dead into Minho's eyes. "I never told you because I was terrified, but I'm not scared anymore, I know it's the right thing to do, you're worth every I love you, I love you, I love you!!!"

Minho widened his eyes as if he didn't believe it and backed away from the window and into the house.

Jisung's chest was holding his beating heart back from exploding.

Minho came through the front door and ran to Jisung under the thick rain.

"I love you too. God how I love you" Minho crashed their lips and bodies together, Jisung pressing his drenched clothes against Minho's dry ones. The tip of their hair dripping water onto their noses and only adding to their tears.

Jisung tugged at his hair, tangled between his fingers, a effortless smile on his lips.

"This isn't a dream right?" Minho cried out, his hands shacking still and a unsteady breath escaping his lips.

"I'm right here. I don't count on ever leaving again. I'm in complete and utter love with you"

"You don't understand how long I've waited for you to say those words...god I..." he sobbed on his chest and only pulled the younger closer. "I missed you Ji...I was scared you would never come"

"What if I hadn't...?"

"Then I would have captured you again and made you fall in love with me all over again..." he said with no hesitation in his voice.

"You know me more then wouldn't take long for me to fall for you"

"I'm never letting you go again baby...especially tonight" he pulled him into another tender kiss, cupping his face with both hands.

"I'm not leaving your side..."

"Promise me?"

"I promise."

"Good, because I already know what I want to do..."

"Tell me..."


"Are you sure this is what you want?" Jisung asked, getting his shirt off his head.

"Yes...please..." Minho helped get it over his head and took his own clothes off.

Once he was fully naked he stepped in the water, syncing in it, the warmth covering his body.

Jisung was covering himself and hesitantly looking at Minho.

"You are so beautiful..." the older said without much thought to it, it was the full truth.

Jisung hesitantly took his underwear off and stepped inside the huge and warm bathtub. He sunk in as well, going into Minho's chest and melting against his body.

"This feels really good..." he whispered and held Minho close. The older had his eyes closed and a hand hesitantly placed on Jisung's waist.

"You're scared..." Jisung mumbled.

"...I am"

"But I'm here now, so why are you scared?" Jisung asked as a child who didn't know any better.

"I...don't want to hurt you again. Touch you in the wrong places..."

"Actually...I've been going to therapy for a while you always wanted me to..." Jisung paused and saw how surprised Minhos was. "I've been talking about my childhood and I think it's time...I heal" Jisung curled himself onto Minho's body and rested his head in the crook of his neck.

He looked down at the huge scar on Minho's arm, a thin line going from his wrist to his elbow.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there..." he laid a hand on it and to his surprise, Minho didn't flinch. But he did stay silent and just watched the scar with blank in his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it..?" Jisung asked.

Minho shook his head slowly and laid it on top of Jisung's, his hair being cold from the rain still.

"Not yet, not tonight..."

"Take all the time you need, we have the rest of our lives now, I'm not afraid of what comes next if I get to walk hand in hand with you"

"Thank you..." he kissed his head and let his body relax in the water. "I promise I'll tell you one day though..."

"You don't even need to...I'm just happy you pulled through..." Jisung turned around and now faced him, smiling gently. He leaned in and kissed him once more.

"I h-...I love you"

"I love you more..."

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