Chapter 10

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"What do you guys want to watch?" Felix said shoving a point of pizza in his mouth, looking at everyone sat on the couch comfortably.

"How about a Disney movie?" Chan asked.

"No, let's watch a horror movie!" Minho proposed.

"Why not a documentary.?" Jisung hesitantly said. They all looked at him in disbelief, sighing as they continued to argue over what movie they would watch.

"I think their fun." he whispered to himself, hugging his knees in front of him.

"Me too princess" Minho whispered in his ear, then continued to argue with Chan about which princess kicks ass better. After a while they finally settled on a movie that had nothing to do with their initial plans.

They decided to watch 'Wedding crashers', which is more of a comedy, so none of them won in the end, still an enjoyable movie though. It started off smoothly but soon some of them chocked on their water with the scene that came up on screen.

*theirs a scene where girls are thrown on a bed where we see their exposed chest, nothing violent of course*

"Their really hot." Felix mumbled, but everyone heard him.

"Could bisexuality be more of a person?" Minho joked.

"You're telling me you don't find them attractive? They're gorgeous" he continued.

"No, I'm pretty sure I only like guys, what about you" he looked at Chan.

"I don't care what or who I date, gender's never been my preoccupation when it comes to dating someone" he simply said, putting a slice of pizza in his mouth.

"What about you M.Straight guy? Like what you see on screen?" Minho taunted, god how he was good at doing that.

"Yes. I do. How many times are you all going to question my sexualit."

"At least twenty times"

"It was a rhetorical questio-"

"So you're telling me you wouldn't like to have a dick in your mouth?" Minho said like it was nothing, but for jisung it was hell to talk about those kinds of subjects. He was thought to never talk about them..ever.

"Scotty you have no chill, leave him alone" Felix threw him a popcorn in the face.

"Im just saying I'd love to" he smirked as he saw Jisung become completely red.


"What? I'm just saying-" they started to bicker, so much they could barely hear the movie anymore.

"Guys we can't even hear the movie." he took Felix down on his lap, the younger immediately melting and shutting up completely.

"Finally found a way to make you shut up, great job Chan" he smiled but Felix just flipped him off and continued to stare at the screen. Jisung was still hugging his knees, the hood of his vest over his head, he looked adorable.

For a moment there, Minho swear he saw him shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asked genuinely concerned. He nodded slowly, confirming his suspicions. He didn't really know what to do.

"What do normal people do in these situations?' He thought to himself.

He then slowly put his hand above Jisung's shoulder, looking away like he didn't just spend two whole minutes deciding wether or not to do it. To his surprise, the younger leaned in, resting his head on his shoulder, both of them blushing in their own mess, internally freaking out. For just a moment there.just one.they both completely forgot about their jobs, forgot about all the social construct that was screwed shut into their head.

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