Chapter seven: Talk

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Y/n's POV

Frowning, I look away from the man at the front who's been staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Y/n, why don't you answer this?"

Me again?!

Sighing, I lift up my head and look at the man.

"Mr. Findlay, I don't know the answer." I spoke.

Yes, you are right. The man who's been staring at me is my teacher! To be exact, he is a new teacher here and started his first class today, which is Science, my last subject. Sadly, the other three weren't in the same class as me.

"Try it at least."

Giving up as I let out a sigh, I stood up from my seat and walk towards him. He smiles at me, which I found creepy, as he handed me the marker for the white board.

I face the board and read the question. To be honest, I don't really know this. It's not my fault though! I have been distracted, from the start until the end because of him!

Noticing that I'm having a trouble answering, he goes behind me and whispered.

"I can privately be your tutor if you are having a trouble, baby."

I nearly gag when I heard him called me baby. This disgusting old man is a no no. On the other side, Jungkook is more yes yes old man— what.

"N-no thanks." I started to get nervous when he placed his hand on my waist. I immediately step away from him, giving him a tight smile.

"I don't really know the answer, Sir. You should just pick another—"

"Answer it!"

The classroom went silent after Mr. Findlay shouted. I noticed some students looking at each other while the others are already getting their phone and start recording the scene infront of them.

God, this is embarrassing!

"I-i-i don't know—"

My sentence was interrupted when someone entered the room. I look towards the door and my eyes immediately widens at the sight.

What in the world is he doing here?

"M-mr. Jeon! What a surprising visit—"

"What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook walk to us while both of his hands are inside his pants pockets. He's staring at Mr. Findlay as if he did something illegal.

"Mr. Jeon—"

"Already being a jerk on your first day?" Jungkook looks at him like he was about to murder him.

He suddenly turn his head towards me, making me flinch on my spot. His gaze become soft and gentle when he saw me.

He pulled out his right hand out of his pocket, revealing his phone. He opens it and click something before showing the screen to the teacher.

It's a video that clearly shows how he touches me.

"Wonder how would my uncle react to this, eh?" Jungkook spoke as he waved the phone in the air, attempting to annoy Mr. Findlay.

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