Chapter thirty one: Love.

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Jungkook's POV

Bursting into my father's office, I quickly spotted Vivien laughing with my mother, of course, fakely.

"Babe!" She called out when she saw me. I walk towards her with a hard look roughly took her hand.

"Give me my phone back."

She gasped. "Jungkook!"

"Give it!!!"

"I don't have your phone—"

"Liar. Don't you fucking dare to spit lies to me. Now, why don't you hand my phone back before I break you." I don't meant to hurt her, but the anger inside me is too much to handle.

"I don't—"

"Where. is. my. fucking. phone?"

"Jungkook, it hurts—"


"Jungkook! Stop! What kind of bullshit did you eat again?!" My gaze landed on my father who's know on his feet, hands turned into a fist while looking at me angrily.

Earlier, I told Jimin to look at my phone's location since the three of us including Taehyung shares our location together through our phones. Fortunately, we saw it in the company building. At first, I thought I just drop it but suddenly the red dot moves.

My panicked self thought it was Vivien, since who else have to get my phone? She has a lot of motive, especially being obsessed with me.

I look back at Vivien again and grab her bag, unzipped it and turned it upside down, letting what inside fall on the ground.

"Knew it." I angrily muttered before glaring at her and picking up the phone. I switched it on and my anger immediately doubled after seeing Y/n's tons of missed calls. I spit a string of curses as I tried to call her but the number cannot be reached.

"Fucking hell." I let out frustratedly, before opening it and dialing Jimin's number.


"Oh—you found it!"

"Yeah, I did. Can you please do me a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"You can track numbers right?"


"Could you somehow track Y/n's number?"

Y/n's POV

"Dang, little slut. I can't get enough of you!! But, we'll give you a break, hahahaha! You're so messy you fucking whore. Get yourself together and be prepared later. Goodbye, beautiful." The two men shut the door close, making me flinch.

My body is hurting. I have so many bruises over my body, making me hiss every time I tried to move. I can even barely open my eyes after those hours of abusing, touching, and slapping they gave me.

I can't do this anymore..

"P-please someone sav-save me.."

Third Point of View

The search for Y/n has gone crazy. She is missing from a day to weeks to a month. She's been missing for a month now. Jungkook has gome miserable, he barely sleep or eat, he always go to the police station to asked them about an update, but their responses are always the same.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon. But we are lacking of information and some evidence where she could be now. We'll still trying our best to find her. Don't worry, we'll call you immediately when we have an update about the case."

'They are not even trying! For fuck sakes.' Jungkook thought every time he heard those sentences. Y/n's parents are sick worried too, but didn't blame a thing on Jungkook to not make a fight between them, and they know that he is trying his best to find their daughter.

Now, he's seated on his fathers table, a stick of cigarette between his fingers.

"Can you be more matured enough?" He heard his father, once again complaining about the situation, like always.

"Why do you even care about that, that girl is not your fiancé! It's been a month. Jungkook. You should focus about you and your future family!"

"Why do I care?" He blankly look at his father as he inhales from the stick between his fingers, then letting the smoke out of his mouth.

"Simple. I love her. I don't give a fuck about the girl whom you forced me to marry! Who knows, she might the one who got her missing because of her jealousy!"

"She got the right to be jealous!—"

"Does that mean she got the right to kidnap her maybe to stay away from me and leave me all miserable because of it?!!! Why don't you fucking understand the word love?! All you care about is the damn money and never your son's happiness!"

"I care about you—"

"No, you don't! If you do, you'll let me do whatever I wanted, let me love whoever I wanted." Jungkook is now panting heavily after shouting all of the burdens he carries in his heart. Even when he's a child, he only obeys on his father's words. Not leaving a single one of them undone. But now, he finally got the courage to let does out. How his own father treated him like a dog who he is ordering around to get what he wanted.

"You used me for your own happiness. So don't even tell me that you care." With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving his stoned father inside.

All employees he's passing by are intentionally avoiding him. Not even giving him a single glance. Once he got outside, he angrily get in inside his car and breath out.

"I miss you so much, my love." He whispered, leaning his forehead on his hands that's on the steering wheel. Without even knowing, tears starts to drop from his eyes. He sniffles before sitting straight again and wiping his tears away.

"I'll find you no matter how long it takes, i love you, my Y/n."


wiiiiiiwooooooooooooooooo aha! thank you so much for reading and leaving some comments! I really appreciated it and gave me motivation to write, love u all. 💕

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