(FINAL) Chapter thirty eight: Family

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Y/n's POV

"Jeon Hana! Come back here and wear your pants!" I yelled only to earn a loud giggles from the hallway.

I got out of my daughter's room with her pants in my hands that she's supposed to wear ten minutes ago.


"Ahhsshh!!! No mo-mwommy!"

"I'll tickle you nonstop when I catch you~ Here I cooOoommee"

Her giggles filled the house as I continue to chase her. She's not that fast at running so I slowly ran to her.

"Dada!!" She flung herself to her dad when she saw him walking walking out of the kitchen.

"What? Why? What happened?" Jungkook's worried face came in.

"Moma pants no!" Look at this kid. Being so brat even though she can't even say anything properly yet. I chuckled at my child's adorableness.

"Nana, you need to wear it. If you don't we will get late for baby Kyungso's birthday!"

"Kyukyu?" Her eyes sparkled at the mentioned name.

"Yes, Kyukyu. How about we now wear the pants?" Hana nods several times before climbing down from her father and walk up to me. She holds her hands infront of her and hesitantly walk near me.

"No tickle please." I smiled.

"Ok, no tickles."

She hug my foot and stare at me innocently. I picked her up with the smile on my face and put her on the couch. I carefully put her pants on while she put both of her hands on my shoulder.


"Get this!"

"No—hdshhaaakkakahhshahaha!! no tickle momwy!!"

"Hey, as much as I want to watch you two have fun, we need to go or else Jimin will literally shave my hair bald if we get to his son's birthday late again." Jungkook spoke and lift Hana up. "I'll get her wear her shoes." Then he went upstairs with Hana darting her tongue out at me making me laugh and shake my head.

Kyungso is Jimin's son. He's celebrating his second birthday today, which I hope we get in time because last year Jimin nearly cut Jungkook's hair for being late.

They came back after a few minutes. I grab the bag full of stuffs for Hana on the couch and walks towards them.

"Let's go~"

The car ride was fun. Jungkook sang along with the music while Hana is dancing, swinging her butt side to side while I hold her for her not to fall from the seat which got me laughing my ass off.

The past years is full of memories, unwanted or not. I got pregnant at the ate of 20, of course with Jungkook's baby that got me overjoyed. I got homeschooled while being pregnant because I'm having a hard time going to school. Jungkook got very excited and more protective than he is that time. He immediately purchased a house for us which got me shocked. Later on when I gave birth to the most beautiful girl ever, we move in into our new home, then after a few months, we got married.

His family gladly attend the ceremony. His father looks very proud as the same as his Mom. Oh! Let's not forget about n! That sweetheart really grew up so well. She's so kind-hearted and so pure.

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