Chapter thirty five: The Truth Untold

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Jungkook's POV

Three hours. It's been three hours since Y/n enters the emergency room and was accompanied by a doctor and nurses. I already called her parents while on our way to the hospital, but will be late because they're in Y/n's Grandma in another city and will take a few hours before they get here.

I am sat down on the chair in the hallway, my elbows rested on my knees and hands are intertwined, resting my forehead in it with a lot of positive and negative thoughts lingering inside my head. My phone ringed in my pocket. I tiredly get it and look at the caller ID before answering.

"Jung-fucking-kook I thought you're fucking dead! You didn't even text me or anything you piece of coconut. Where are you? Vivien is now on the station. Are you okay? Is Y/n okay? Did you find her?" I was shot with questions from Jimin. I lightly smiled at him before replying.

"I'm in a hospital near the dead town here in Clarigate City. I'm okay. I found her."

"That's nice! Can I talk to her-! Wait. In a hospital? No. No way. Is she okay? What happend?" His voice become worried. I can hear shuffles from his line.

"She was shot in the stomach and her head was banged against the wall in the process of getting her out of the place she was in. One of the man in Vivien's side shot her, then the other one throw her against the wall making her hit her head and loss her consciousness."

"What does the doctor says?"

"The problem is they haven't got out of the emergency room since then. It's been hours and anxiety is fucking killing me." I tried to calm myself and think of the positive things. I heard a roar of a engine on his line.

"I'm on my way there. Text me the exact location. I'll bring Taehyung with me. Don't lose hope, okay? She'll be fine." He tries to give me comfort making me slightly sigh.

"Okay.." I replied before the call ends. I breathe in deeply in my nose and breathe out from my mouth, then leaned my back as I close my eyes shot, praying Y/n will be fine.

The squeak of the door being opened made me lift my head up immediately.

"Mr. Jeon, right?"

"Yes, yes! How is she? Is she fine?" I quickly stood up and face the doctor.

"She is all good. Luckily, she is not in a critical condition anymore, she's tough and didn't give up." I almost cry in relief after hearing about her. I'm glad she's fine!

"However, the baby didn't make it, we couldn't save it. I'm so sorry from your lost, Mr. Jeon."



"I know it's a lot to take in. My deepest condolence." He pats my shoulder two times. "I have to go now." He smiled lightly before taking his leave.

I was frozen on my spot, cannot believe what I just heard.

Baby? What baby? She's pregnant?


"Jungkook, calm down—"

"Jimin. She just had a fucking miscarriage! The doctor said the baby is three weeks old. We haven't seen each other for like a fucking month which means someone made her pregnant!"

"I know, but Jungkook, you need to calm down first."

"Someone possibly fucking raped her! Jimin, someone force themselves to her and—and put a fucking baby inside her. How do you think she would react to this!?? J-jimin, she can't handle if she find this out.."

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