Chapter eight: Help

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Y/n's POV

Bullshits can happen anytime and anywhere. That's why Jungkook is now standing infront of me inside an empty classroom.

"First of all, are you ok?"


"Yes! I'm better than ever." I spoke, forcing a smile on my face.

"Are you sure?" He repeated his question again as he crossed his arm infront of his chest, looking at me while he raised an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah." He is making me nervous.

"Second of all, that man got fired. So there's no reason to be afraid of when you come back here tomorrow." I stated.

"What? But it's just his first day here?"

"Yeah, but he touches you."

I gulped as I look at him. He is looking at me like he can see right through my soul or something. It's making me nervous and awkward!

"T-that's good then I guess. So, I'll get going. The others might get bored waiting for me and do something stupi—"

He suddenly pulled me onto him. His arms are wrapped around my waist as he put his face on the crook of my neck.

What is he doing??


"Shh," he hushed me and put his face closer to my neck. I couldn't do anything but to let him.

"You smell good." I blushed at his comment.

Several second later, he decided to pull away from me. He hold both of my arms and bent down a little to look at me.

"I need your help." He spoke.

Help? What does he need now? I shoot him a questioning look, waiting for him to say what kind of help does he need from me.

"I need you to be my girlfriend."

"Your what!?"

I remove his hand on me and step back. As far as I know, we just met yesterday, and now he wants me to be his girlfriend!? Nope, nah and no.

"First of all, to be my boyfriend, you need to court me. Second of all, I don't even know you that much! Lastly, what would my dad think if he find out tht I'm dating his friend!?" Is this man out of his mind? Who knows if my dad suddenly disowned me when he find out I'm dating Jungkook?

"I mean—" he gulps.

"Be my fake girlfriend. I should've been more specific, I apologize." He stated and stared at me as he waits for my response.

Fake what? Fake relationship with him?!

"But why?" I cannot help but asked.

I am sure there's so many ladies out there that he knows more than a day or two. Unlike me, I don't know anything about his private life, only his name, age, where he is from, his family owning a company and don't forget that he is my father's friend.

"It's kinda complicated," he sighs and run his fingers through his locks.

"My dad arranged me with someone I hate. Wait, no. Hate is a strong wrong. I dislike the woman he chooses me to be with!" He rub his face with his hands as he took a seat on a chair, not far away from me.

"I don't like anybody decide for me. I know, I am now thirty years old and still don't have a family—that's because I think I am not ready yet!"

"Not ready?" I asked as I make my way to the chair near him and sat on it as I look at him with my brows furrowed.

"The responsibilities of having a family, I think I am not ready for those. I can barely even keep an eye to my sister, then what about my soon-to-be wife? Children?" Oh? He has a sister?

"You know," I started as I look outside the window on my left, admiring the trees and the blue sky outside.

"You have to be ready anytime soon. Just because you don't want or you are not ready yet, doesn't mean it cannot happen anytime. What if you're already inlove with someone you know? What if you're just pushing or ignoring the feelings away?" I pause for a second.

"Just think of what will happen if you keep on pushing that feeling. You might be like this for your whole life if you keep doing that, still feeling that you are not ready yet, refusing to try it." I look at him who's already looking at me. I gave him a smile before standing up.

"I know there is someone you know out there that can help you. Someone you are fond of." I walk towards the door and grab the door knob.

"Choose someone you love in this situation. Because she or he—if you are not straight, you know what I mean—can help you in both. One: Helping you getting out of the arranged marriage your dad pull on you and second: Changing the way you think. Love can be mysterious and unexpected on its on way. Maybe it can change your mind about not ready to have a family and to take some responsibilities." And with that, I turn the doorknob and pull it, stepping outside then sighing.

"What an emotional speech, Y/n." I told my self as I begun to walk back to my friends at the vending machine.

I can't believe I said that. I'm not even expert with love. I never had a boyfriend since birth, ya know. I mean, I had some flings and hookups with some boys, but it's not serious.

"Let's go," I spoke as soon as I got near my friends.

"What did you two talked about?" Ezekiel asked immediately when he saw me.

"Nothing serious." I responded and linked my arms around Cleir.

"Let's go—"

"Y/n." I heard Zyra spoke making us to look at her.

"What the fuck is this???" She showed us the phone. A video is playing.

Oh no..

"What the hell is this all about, Y/n Crimson?" Ezekiel look at me with a hint of anger in his eyes. I don't know if he's mad at me for not telling them sooner of the fact that there's a video playing right now and can clearly see what happened in the classroom earlier.

Well, someone just happened to caught the scene earlier in a video. How great.

"That jerk. I know he's not that innocent old man. I saw him nearly touching a girl's legs earlier before lunch! Fortunately, I stopped him before it happens." Cleir spoke and glares at the phone screen.

"We need to tell this to your dad!" Zyra look at me worriedly.

"Maybe he can do something and kick this man out of this school." She added.

"No need to. Jungkook already told me that they fired him." I stated. The two girl's jaw dropped as Ezekiel's eyes widened.

"What?" I look at them weirdly.

"Did you just call your uncle only his name?"

I look at them, eyes widened and jaw dropped in shock.

"And how did you know his name? I never mentioned his name to all of you."


School gave us a 1 week break 😛 idk if i should be happy with this info. I'm not really fond of school but i feel bored when I don't do something related to school. The less school activities I have, the more time I have to talk to my family or the people here in our place. I personally don't like people, I preferred to keep quiet and mind my own damn business.

Anyways, hope you have fun reading this chapter!! Giving virtual hugs to you all 🤗

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