Chapter twenty three: Plan

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Vivien's POV

"That damn whore! I'm really tired of her shits!" I angrily slumped down the couch in one of the private room of this expensive bar. The woman across me shook her head as she nicely pour wine into two glass.

"I am too, so don't get mad that much. It doesn't suit your beautiful face." Her calm voice amazes me.

I sat up straight and put my leg over the other and look at her. "What's with the calm attitude? Yesterday you were just trashing this room out of anger because of her." I asked confusedly.

She laughs and hand me my glass of wine. She took a sip of her drink before speaking, "I got two guys to do the job with us. Tomorrow is the day when our plan will start," She smirks before continuing, "and will end. Her."

"Ohhhh~" I stand up and walk towards her, still holding the glass of wine in my hand.

"When can I meet this two guys, hun?"

"About that, they are actually already waiting at the parking lot. I figured out that you would want to see them as soon as I break the news to you."

"Great! Let me just finish my drink and then we'll head there." I spoke and drank my wine in one go. She look at me in amusement before chuckling.

"Lets go, shall we?" She said before exiting the building.

Once we got into the parking lot, there are two men on the most corner and hidden part. One is leaning against the wall smoking weed, while the other is currently sharpening his small knife while sitting on the ground with crossed legs, not minding the dirt that will stick on his pants.

"These are the guys I am talking about."

The two mens stand up and straighten their posture as they noticed us infront of them, the ladies that will be their boss until tomorrow.

"Wonho and Kris." The woman beside me introduces them as she pointed at them. The one who's smoking weed is Wonho, while Kris is the one with a knife.

"Nice to meet you, miss. I assume you're Vivien?" The man named Wonho asked as he extended his free hand to me. I hesitantly shake his hands. It's so dirty.

"Yes, I am." I tightly smiled while he smirked and put the back of my palm close to his face and kiss it without breaking our eye contact.

Oh my god! I don't even know if he's brushing his teeth.

I quickly pull my hand back and back away a little. Gosh, I could still feel how rusty his hands and dry his lips are. Must disinfect once I got back inside.

My partner notices my reaction and chuckled. "So, what are we waiting for? Shouldn't we must discuss the plan now?"


Jungkook's POV

"Baby shark do do do do do—"



"Uhm, can you please stop shouting? I don't want my cousin to grow up being deaf."

The two gave Y/n—who's sitting beside me while I hold Givo in my arms—a weird look. I kick them as they sat infront of me, trying to entertain the baby who doesn't even know what's going on and is just leaning on me quietly with his doe eyes staring at my two best friends.

"Nah, she won't end up being deaf. My voice is not even the at maximum level." She blinks at Taehyung.

"Enough. Are you guys not going home? It's already 6pm." Wait. It's already six! I haven't made dinner for Y/n yet.

"Who wants to hold Givo? I have to do something."

"ME." , "ME" I am really tired of this childish behavior of my friends.

"Can you hold him, baby?" I turn to Y/n who seems shocked.

"I don't know h-how to hold babies...I might break him." She worriedly look at Givo. It made me smile while looking at her. She's so adorable.

"Here." I told her how to angle her arms before putting baby Givo in her arms.


"Oh my god oh my god I'll drop him Jungkook please get him.." she panicked when Givo moves.

"You won't." I bent down and kissed her forehead. "You're doing good, baby. Hold him for a while I go make dinner for us, okay?"

She unconsciously nodded, mesmerized by the baby who's staring back at her.

"Aweee..." The boys cooed at them making me roll my eyes.

"Help me cook, morons."


"Dinner is ready, love!" I announced while walking to the living room and when I told you I almost squealed at the sight, I did almost squealed at the sight.

Y/n is sleeping with a sleeping Givo on her arms. She seems to change their position. Givo is now resting his head on Y/n's shoulder while Y/n is hugging Givo's little body. Cuties.

I immediately take my phone on the table and click a photo of them. This is so cute. I should put it as my wallpaper. And I did.

I sigh while happily looking at them. They really look so adorable. I feel like I am a dad and Y/n is the mother of my child—


I shake of the thoughts and gently sat beside them. I stroke Y/n's arm softly before speaking. "Baby..? Baby, wake up. Dinner is ready." I snuggled onto her neck, copying Givo on the other side.

"Baby." I left soft kisses on her neck, I trail up to her jaw and then her cheeks.

"Baby..." I peck her lips. She started to stir a little making me wrap my arms around her and the baby, so Givo won't fall out of her arms.

"Dinner is ready. Lets eat." I peck her lips once again before lifting my face up for a better view of her face.

She looks so beautiful and peaceful. Her long eyelashes are so pretty. I love it. Her pink soft lips, her baby hairs falling down her forehead, her soft skin, her super little mole on her right cheeks. I love every inch of those.

"Mhm...." She slowly opened her eyes, immediately locking with mine.

"I want to sleep more..." She mumbled and lean on my chest.

I swear my heart would explode anytime right now. She will think its an alarm while she put her head on my chest.


"Hm?" I scooped her more closer to me while Givo is still sleeping peacefully.

"Do you know Piattos?"

"No. What is that?"

"I want to eat it.."

"Is that a snack or something?" She nodded.

"Hm, okay. You need to eat your meal first while I hold Givo, and then we will buy after you finish. Sounds good?"

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