Chapter sixteen: Party

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Y/n's POV



"I said go. This is where you are staying right now, right?"

"I am not leaving the two of you alone!" Vivien barked.

I just sit there, looking outside the car where a huge mansion is standing tall. She's living here? Cool..

"Get out of my car." Jungkook ordered. I look back at them who's arguing. Vivien has her arms crossed as she glared at him.

"No. I'm coming with you two wherever you are going."

Jungkook rub his face frustratedly. He throw her a look before driving again.

Guess she will come with us.

"Baby, do you want something?" Jungkook placed his free hand on my thighs while the other hand is rotating the wheel.

He gave me a glance while I shake my head as a 'no'.

"You sure? Do you want some food? I will get you some before we arrive home."


"Food again?" Vivien scoffs from the back. "Why don't you try dieting? Your body is so fucking ugly. You're so fat."

The car stopped as soon as she finishes her sentence. Jungkook remove his hands on my thighs and start to unbuckle his seatbelt.

Vivien and I stared at him confusedly as he get out of the car. He goes to Vivien's side and open the door.

"Thank you for opening the door for me, honey. But I think we are not in the right place." Vivien shoot him a wide smile.

"Get the fuck out of my fucking car." Her smile immediately drops after hearing Jungkook. He is fuming in anger.


Jungkook grab her and pull her outside. He pulled her not that harshly, but with a little gentle for her not to get hurt. She is still a woman after all. He will not hurt a woman.

"Jungkook!" I exclaimed, feeling a little worry for his fiancé.

He look at me with a fire in his eyes, but a little calmer compared to the look he gave Vivien earlier.

"Don't get into this, Y/n."

He didn't calls me baby...

I gulp and nodded, looking down on my lap as I began to fiddle with my fingers. I could hear them throwing words to each other until Jungkook opened the car and get in. I could feel a dark aura while he sits on the driver seat. He is breathing heavily as his hands grips on the steering wheel.


"Don't. Talk."

I quickly shut my mouth. He is being a jerk now. Wow. Sighing, he starts to drive again. I look back and saw Vivien standing there with a phone against her ear, obviously calling someone.

There is an awkward and uncomfortable silence in the whole ride. I just continue to look outside and notice that this is the path we took yesterday to his house.

"Aren't we going to my house?" I asked.

I didn't receive any answer from him, which annoyed me. What the hell is wrong with him? Did he suddenly went mute??

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