Chapter thirteen: Rude

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Y/n's POV

I linked my arms around Jungkook's as we entered the restaurant. There are some people already seated on the tables and eating. My heart beats faster as Jungkook look for the people we are going to join in.

"Baby, here!" Jungkook and I turned our head over where the voice came from.

There is a woman waving at us, more like Jungkook, with a man who looks around his 50s beside her. I believe that is his father and fiancé. The smile on the woman's face completely vanished once she saw a unfamiliar lady with her fiancé.

"Come on." Jungkook said and gave me a reassuring smile, as if he is talking to me with his eyes, telling me everything is going to be ok.

I can feel the glares the woman is shooting me as we walk towards them. The old man only look at Jungkook in confusion.

"You two would not mind if I bring a guest with me, right?" Jungkook asked as he guided me to sit on the chair. I smiled at him as he sat down on my right side.

So, the sitting arrangement is kinda...well uncomfortable, at least for me. We are sitting on a square table, and each side has a chair—more like a couch because of how it looks—that can fit two people.

His fiancé is sitting opposite of the his father. While Jungkook and I are on a different side. I assumed that Jungkook is meant to seat beside the woman if he didn't bring me with him.

"Mind introducing this young lady to us?" His father asked him.

"Ah, yes. This is Y/n Crimson. My girlfriend."

The woman, Jungkook's fiancé nearly choked on her water after Jungkook introduces me.

"The surname sounds familiar. Wait, isn't that your friend's surname? What is his name again? Willy? Wally?"

"William." Jungkook corrected his father.

"Hooking up with your friend's daughter, eh?" His father scoffs as he grab the glass of water and drank it.

We soon ordered our lunch. Jungkook's fiancé ordered...grass. What kind of food is that? Is she even gonna get full by eating that?

My steak arrived and I nearly drool at the sight. This looks so delicious!! Everyone finally got their food and we started to eat. I was about to take a bite from my steak but Jungkook's fiancé suddenly spoke.

"Are you really going to eat that? Pft, that's why you are so fat." I suddenly felt all embarrassed. I place the fork on my plate, suddenly losing my appetite.

"No. Eat all you can, I cannot let you get all skinny to the point that you have just bones in your body." Jungkook's fiancé went silent after he said that. He is probably referring to her because she is really skinny.

"No. I'm not even that hungry, it is ok." I forcefully smile and grab my glass of water.

I just keep my mouth shut during the lunch. Jungkook forced me to eat so I don't have a choice but to take a bite of my steak. Just a little though, I kind of don't want to eat after hearing someone called me fat.

Jungkook's father didn't mind me that much and talk to Jungkook about their company. Sometimes, his fiancé is interrupting and force herself to be noticed by Jungkook.

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