Chapter ten: Got laid

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!!" Mom's voice was heard downstairs, along with a creak of the door.

I slowly sat up from my bed, feeling exhausted because of what happened earlier.

"Yes!" I hurriedly walk down the stair. I saw my mom holding some paper bags as she walks in the kitchen. I followed her there while carefully walking.

I'm sore.

"Put these inside the refrigerator and cabinets." She orders, putting down the bags on the table.

"I'll just take a shower real quick." She spoke before walking out to their room, upstairs.

I could hear dad and Jungkook from the living room as they talk about something while I'm putting this groceries my mom told me to. After doing the task my mom gave me, I didn't hesitate to go to my room again but a voice stopped me.

"Y/n!" A sigh left me as I make my way to the living room.

"Yes, dad?"

"We have to talk." His voice sounds serious, making me suddenly nervous.

Does he know that I fuck his bestfriend?!? Oh my gosh. Did Jungkook told him—!?

"S-sure." I silently take a sit near them and start to fidget with my fingers, start biting the flesh inside of my mouth and start to move my right legs up and down.

"You see, you're uncle needs our help. Your help to be exact." Dad looks at me.

"What is it?" My help? Wait. Is it—

"You need to be his fake girlfriend." What? Why would my dad approve this?!

"What? No!"

"Please, Y/n. Just for a month." Jungkook begged as he looks at me with hopeful eyes, hoping that I would accept.

"And why would you let me be his fake girlfriend, dad? There's a tons of girls that can help him, not only me!" I let out a frustrated sigh and comb my hair with my hand.

Jungkook look away and nibble his bottom lip. Dad heavily sigh before standing up. "I will talk to her."

He went to me and gently grab my arms, dragging me with him into the kitchen.

"Please, sweetie. He needs help—"

"Yeah yeah, I get it. But why me?" I know Jungkook already asked me this but, hello? I'm shocked that my dad said yes to this bullshit. I do not have a problem with it. Yeah, no, I do have a problem. What we did the first day we met and earlier is not that good. Especially when my dad finds out about it. Who knows what he will do? He might beat the shit out of me.

"I owe him something, and he asked for help at lunch earlier. I said that I will think about it, and now...well, I agreed...Please, sweetie. Just for a month." He hold up his index finger infront of me, waiting for me to respond.

"I don't know.." My eyes went down on the floor while slightly nibbling with my lip nervously. I didn't think Jungkook would still want me to be his fake girlfriend after what I have said at the University to him.

My dad sigh and step back a little. "I'll give you the night to think about it." He smiles and ruffles my hair before leaving the kitchen , making me groan in annoyance.

Should I agree? No feelings were attached to this, so I guess it's okay? Yeah. It's gonna be just great. Having a boyfriend for a month sounds cool too. So, I think everything will go well if I said yes. Right?

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