Chapter thirty six: Awake

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Jungkook's POV

I left the station, leaving the fuming woman inside. She spit a string of curses and even tried to hit me, luckily, the police immediately hold her down and drag her away from me, putting her back to her cell.

I am on my way to Y/n. For the past four days, I'm always going to the hospital and wait for her to wake up. Unfortunately, she hasn't move a muscle yet. I parked the car in the parking lot and went out, not forgetting the box of my cigarettes and a lighter. I've been addicted to it since then and I can't seem to stop it.

I grab a stick and put the end between my lips and lighting the other end with the lighter. My phone ringed in my pocket as I breath out the smoke. I take the stick between my index and middle finger before taking my phone out and answering.

"Yes Taeh—?"

"Y/n! She's awake!"

My feet automatically move faster until I'm running inside the hospital up to Y/n's room with the phone clutched in my hand. I bump a few people in my way causing them to yell at me, but I couldn't care less at the moment. Y/n. She's awake and I can't wait to see and talk to her.

Room 231.

I burst inside and saw Taehyung and Jimin surrounding Y/n, who's now in a sitting position. Yeri is sleeping on the couch with her stuffy.

"Y/n..." It came out like a whisper. Her gaze landed on me, eyes became teary immediately as she looks at my eyes.


I ran towards her bed and hug her as tight as I can. Embracing her again made me feel content. All the worries washed away from my head as I touched her. Her being alive and all fine made me in peace.


I pulled away from the hug and cupped her face in my hands, looking at her with tears in my eyes. "I'm glad you're fine." I spoke, getting lost at her eyes. It's been a month since I last saw her in the flesh. I want to burst my tears out so bad but that would be embarrassing.

I smiled at her and wipe her tear stained cheeks. "I missed you."

She stares at me for seconds before pulling me away and wipe her tears with her fist kind of harshly. I expected her to say I miss you back, but I guess that won't happen.

"Go back to your wife."


"I said go back to Vivien! You married her, right? Taehyung and Jimin told me I've been unconscious for almost four days. You definitely married her." She leaned back and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard her talk to the phone! Y-you said you want to talk about your m-marriage. Why did I even love you and expect you to choose me over her if you're already arrange to be her husband. You still married her w-when she didn't help me when she saw me being drag by mens a-and even instructed them around to not let me escape." A big smile is now displayed in my face as I approached her crying form.

"N-no! S-stay away!"

"Baby," I called out and she immediately stop moving. "Don't call me that."

"Baby, baby, baby—Ow!!" I hissed in pain when she pinched my arm that's trying to encircle her.

"Go away, Jungkook. You have a wife! You can't just call anybody bab—"

"You're not anybody to me, Y/n. You're my everything. I didn't marry her, it's just a trap to get her and rescue you." I snuggle on her neck and sigh.

"Happy birthday, princess."

"M-my birthday was last month—"

"And we didn't get to celebrate it. Even Christmas and New year." I cut her off. "Also, did I just heard you love me?" I look at her and wiggle my eyebrows. Her eyes widened at the realization.

"I—I...not—uhm.." I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Baby, I love you more. So much."

"Really?" Her innocent eyes stared back at me making my heart melt at the view. Her nose is slight red from the crying she just did.

"Yes. So, recover fast so we'll visit beautiful places together, okay?" I caressed her head and she nodded at me.


The door opened and the doctor who took care of her in the emergency the other day enters.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked Y/n.

"I'm feeling better." She smiled at him.

"That's great then, base on your recovery, you can go home by next weak, the shot in your stomach would take a longer to heal, so you need to apply ointment every five hours and change the bandage." Y/n nods at her while she lets the doctor check the monitors and some things around and attached to her.

"How are you feeling about the baby? Are you okay?" Asked the doctor. Oh shit.

"What baby?" Y/n confusedly stare at him. The doctor look at me then back to Y/n.

"Oh, your boyfriend haven't told you yet? I'm very sorry." He check the last one before writing of the pad he is holding.

"I'll take my leave now. Hope you recover well." The doctor goes out and the room fell silent.

"Uh...Oh! I forgot about my pet fish! Come on Tae help me take him for a walk."

"They swims, Jimin." Taehyung spoke. Jimin look at him threateningly before pulling him out.

"Jungkook." I gulped.

"What the hell does the doctor mean? What baby?"


"What? Jungkook, what baby?" She starts to panicked making me anxious.

"Y/n, you had a miscarriage."

"I—I what?"

"You hade a miscarriage. You were pregnant, but the baby died after you got shot. The baby is three weeks old." She severally blinks before tears starts to pour down. Her breath got heavy. I immediately hold her hands and tries to calm her down.

"Ju-jungkook...Me—..They...t-they touch a..and baby.., they..."

"Shhh. Calm down, baby. Clam down so we can talk about it clearly, okay?"

I held her trembling form close to me, letting her cry her hearts out. What had she gone through must hurt her a lot. I wish I was there for her. I wish I found her sooner. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't get kidnapped. If I weren't too selfish, this won't happen to her.

This is all my fault.

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